Hi I’m feeling ok at present at starting to become alcohol free again, when I say again I have tried this soo many times. The longest was a year alcohol free but that was many years ago. I have so many positives in my life but alcohol is my nemesis and has been for the majority of my life. My career history is vast and varied all related to helping people and giving positive advice, should practice wi preach! I guess I just want to belong to a community that knows how it feels to wake up every day feeling rough and disappointed in myself.
starting again : Hi I’m feeling ok at present at... - Drink Free
starting again
Welcome to the forum. I was on the same boat trying to stay stopped, but invariably my mind will trick me into taking the first drink and then the body would need more and then the obsession will kick in. Later I learned this is the vicious cycle of alcoholism. For me meetings and working the 12 steps of AA, helped me put the plug and stay stopped. If you have any questions about the fellowship or the 12 steps please let me know, I will be glad to help.
There are a number of options for getting and staying sober. AA works very well for most people, but not all. Have you considered going to rehab? Since it's a recurring problem, it seems you might benefit from being somewhere away from your routine and alcohol. I was a long term daily drinker, trying to stop over and over, never being able to go more than 2 days without. I'm 57 so we are close in age, and now have two grandchildren. Please get to somewhere for help TODAY, before you talk yourself out of it. I'm 8 years sober next month. If I can be of any help let me know.
Hi support is so important. Being part of this group will help. There is also a massive sobriety community on Instagram loads of people to follow. I listen to loads of podcasts like sober stories and sober awkward on Spotify. It's helpful to immerse yourself totally. I am listening and posting or replying to posts at least twice a day. It really helps I am 49 days sober which is my personal best. Emotional sobriety is a game changer this time its less of a white knuckle ride and I am enjoying being sober. Keep going my friend.