Just marking the end of another of lifes events. We go back home tomorrow after 38 days here on Lanzarote and out of those 38 days I have been alcohol free for 14 of them with only 3 days when I have been staggering drunk and a bad hangover next day. Often on the days that I did drink I did so in moderation. Although this is still more than I had hoped for I feel that I have cut down by a significant amount because the old me would have been drunk every night. So I am looking on this as progress but with lots of room for improvement.
Progress? Maybe!: Just marking the end of another... - Drink Free
Progress? Maybe!

Congratulations on your progress. I believe that every effort I made to manage my drinking was necessary. I needed to fight the booze for as long as I could. Keep up the good work. And thanks for sharing your progress.
From my favorite movie "I comes down to a simple choice really. Get busy living or get busy dying!"
Thanks for your reply and support, I was travelling most of the day yesterday so I wasn't able to respond to anyone. I drink mostly spirits, usually vodka, but I also drink red wine and occasionally beer. I find that I am more able to moderate my drinking if I drink beer, I am also much more likely to drink less if I have a meal before I start drinking. If I do it the other way around I usually drink far too much and forget to eat. I wish you well in your endeavour to beat the Booze.