Help for high functioning drinkers??? - Drink Free

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Help for high functioning drinkers???

Shapeshifting profile image
6 Replies

Hi new to this. Any other high functioning drinkers? I have had a drink (over the recommendation) everyday for over 10 years but because I’ve managed to function just fine even being a top performer in my career no one has got a clue. I even turn down work and sociable drinks (only to get home to drink alone) free of judgement. About 5 years ago I approached my GP and explained my issue and she literally laughed at me. I get it, she saw this well put together woman and couldn’t imagine that someone who drank as much as I did wouldn't show any outwardly signs. We did numerous tests and remarkably there was no organ damage so I carried on up until this current stage. My mother and her parents are the same so I was doomed from the start, it’s starting to feel like a generational curse. I genuinely like the taste of wine so it feels impossible right now, maybe when I first started it was depression but now even when I’m happy I drink out of habit. I was able to cut down by having ice cold water with my meals and promising myself I could always have a drink after. Usually I’m full and not thirsty after this so was able to trick my mind into cutting down. Any tips would be most welcome.

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6 Replies
Bettymac1 profile image

Hi, yes I can relate to this. Have you tried using any online programs to help. I found it helped if I commit to a challenge. I also drink wine so when I have tried to cut down or stop I will have some alcohol in the house but not wine. So something I can have if I want but won't be necessarily tempted. Its all about changing habits so again you need to try qnd find something which will replace the wine. This could be a cup of tea , a refreshing drink I use soda water with different cordials to try and make more exciting. Your body will also crave sugar so I have lots of biscuits in etc, not great for the waistline! Try and create some new habits so I usually watch TV with wine but now I will only watch one show then go and read. I haven't managed to completely quit but I have drastically reduced what I was drinking and now try to just have once a week at the weekend. This has been over the last month. I'm now starting to enjoy getting up earlier and I've started exercising before work or just sit outside in the early daylight. It might be worth going to speak to another gp too to get some advice. It sounds like you were unlucky with the doctor you spoke to previously. Good luck x

in reply to Bettymac1

Hi well done and good advice I got sugar craving but was eating too many sweets when bored and I found keeping blood sugar ok helped my mood eating did replace alcohol and non alcoholic stuff, I do find keeping drinks I am not so keen on like lager I drank less as bloats me I also add water to red wine or non alcoholic wine but due to stress I built up rediculously high and drank not just on a night so I keep busy take care 😊

Isinatra profile image

What kind of tips are you looking for? To stop? To control? You say you are doomed at the start. Doomed to have a future like your mother and her parents? What was their life like? Sorry, if I appear like the grand inquisitor, but to help a person with a problem with alcohol, these questions are only a few of many needed. Do you have negative consequences when you drink? What happens if you stopped drinking for two days? Alcohol is a dangerous drug for people who are susceptible to its negative effects. My questions aren’t really for you to answer me, but to ask yourself. I’ve been exactly where you are now, I’m lucky to be alive.

in reply to Isinatra

Hi isinatra how are you, I am lucky to be alive due to build up of Stress my drinking got earlier and I cannot dare say how much I had in a day this week the day I intended not to have any I even walked back when half way to shop then went back to shop, I have left all my money at mam's as I cant trust myself I got through yesterday with none I had a slight panic and thought I'll get some lager in just incase and have a couple I can't drink much of that but it was late after tea at mams and I couldn't be bothered to go to shop as I mentioned before I can just have none of a few but my binging comes back in times of stress and i was banking on getting my job back I had interview last week they made me feel I had the job back it would of given me responsibity I have lot things stressing me at moment, I will try my sad seasonal associated light therapy and shapeshifting you mentioned depresshion many light therapy would help you.the sun always cheers me up🤗🌄

Hi I stopped last year for 3 month's as binge drank when upset it helped by going into non alcohol drinks beer and wine or mixing with bit of alcohol,I drank chamomile tea cocoa like you I can be at social occasions and not have any if I'm eating I worked in a pub was invited to drink after work I never but did when got home I moved back to my mams but when I moved back home I started drinking again not always much coming on here and other sites making friends Helped, I'm very stressed at moment and my drinking got earlier and more so I've stopped at least for today AA meeting helped me I need to go again I wish you well and swimming if you can tired me out 🤗

Isinatra profile image

Hi Mandy. 👋 I understand stresses of life. People turn to alcohol to self medicate for relief. Some people don’t have problems with alcohol and some do. Alcohol is alcohol, no matter what it comes disguised in…, wine, spirits, spritzers….switching from one to another or diluting it with soda or water, etc. the alcohol is still there. If these tactics worked for problems with alcohol, there would be no AA. You have been battling with alcohol for a while now , trying this and that and so far nothing has worked. Life never gets better when alcohol is involved. It just gets worse and worse. If you had a heart attack, I’m sure you would want a cardiologist to treat you, not home remedies. Well, it’s time you went to the specialist about your drinking….AA. It’s obvious your home remedies aren’t working. If you have time to drink, you have time to go to meetings. AA will always be there for you. I hope you embrace AA before alcohol defeats you and desperation drives you to its doors. For that time will come if you continue on the path you are traveling. Your future with alcohol in your life is predictable. I, and hundreds of thousands of other people have traveled the same path as you with the same consequences, you’re story is not unique. Action is required, Mandy. 💖

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