Post-stroke depression.
Post-stroke depression: Post-stroke... - Different Strokes
Post-stroke depression
You may want to take these actions to be able to shift out of that:
How to feel better, reduce depression, anxiety, calm down other unusual reactions, improve quality of life. You can do the activities below to increase serotonin and dopamine without medication, potions, or taking in other substances. This puts you in control of your brain chemistry.
Dopamine - Do a 30 day challenge by taking the actions described below, every day for 30 days and see how life changes for you. Many times when we’re feeling less than we'd like to be our system is running on norepinephrine (fight or flight in an extreme and sometimes weird manner). Therefore, the first step, to get us out of running on norepinephrine is by switching our brain chemistry to running on serotonin and then dopamine. The unusual thing about this is we can actually change our brain chemistry without drugs, herbs, or other potions. The actions I now describe will move you from operating from norepinephrine to serotonin and then to dopamine, where you are in your control power center.
1.To move from norepinephrine to serotonin do one or more of the following - Lie on the floor for a few moments, or do some light fiction reading, or listen to soothing music, or do some coloring or work some simple puzzles, or go for a mild walk outside.
2.Then to move from serotonin to dopamine do one or more of the following: Read educational or philosophical books, or listen to upbeat music, or laugh, or watch comedies, work more challenging puzzles, or do strength exercises or tai chi, or get a massage, or do creative projects, or do things with your non-dominant hand, or learn something new, or go someplace new.
3.To take it one more step –
a.Make a list of 10 things you really like to do.
b.Next, narrow that list down to your top five.
c.Then your top two
d.Finally pick your top one.
e.Then write a story describing that person who is doing that thing and all the things they would be experiencing while doing that thing, including the qualities that person has.
f. Answer the question – Who would I be if I lived this quality 24/7 (Write this from the perspective of this character.)
If you have questions, please feel free to let me know. I hope that this can be of value for you to use.