I have tia strokes and I passed every test it's my second one baby asprin each day just want it to stop afraid next time I will not get up
Kathleen gentile: I have tia strokes and... - Different Strokes
Kathleen gentile

Has your GP or Consultant Neurologist discussed an anticoagulant with you? Did they mention clodpidigral with a larger dose of asprin as an interim measure? A TIA or full stroke is always in the back of your mind when there has been no warning and, your health stats indicated that you were not at risk.

you can share your problems at lalit.kundliwal@gmail.com.

Hi Johnboy, I am taking Clopidigral
Clopidigral is usually taken with asprin as a holding measure until it's been decided which anti-coagulant to use after the stroke. I didn't get any contraindications taking it although I can't take amiodarone or dronedarone, and Apixaban may have been implicated in a post-stroke bleed.
Thank you for your good wishes and I hope that you're improving.
Me too, I am afraid for the future. I hope you are doing well.
it can be cured with physiotherapy and some ayurvedic medicines.