hi, just joined so i could help others with long term conditions, from strokes, and about bad side effects from Statins
new: hi, just joined so i could help... - Different Strokes

i am lucky as i do take statuns and i seem to be fine with them they dont ask if u want to take them they just give u them, i was given them after my stroke nov2015 never been up or down with them still think when possible they should ask if u want to take them my mum was given them and said she had a lot of side effects and had to come back off.all in all i seem to have been doing ok after stroke just hsve a little left hand side wee kness and painbut as a didnt get help for tow days as i didnt relize i had a strokei think i am lucky as i can still do most things what gets me down is not been allowed to drive or work as my work says i am a health and safty issue i work in home care and as i said i thoght my memory was bad they are saying i am a health and safty issue even thoogh they did not do any kind off tests to try check and see if my memory was bad
Elizabeth, were you sacked from work? As you can apply to tribunal, and appeal, as you were never tested for health and safety, or are you still off in so called recovery after stroke? Statins actually cause memory issues you need to talk to your doctor ask for cognitive, memory test, and also can you give me details of when you first started having memory issues?
You can contact me on aureisumus@hotmail.com put STROKE AND STATINS IN subject line as i sift through the few hundred emails a day i get quickly so needs to stand out, hence capitals. This way, can give you advise, directly and if need it quick as you see was 6 days since I checked here, as just too many things i am involved in.I can also point you in direction of legal and medical advice, talk to you soon Elizabeth
regards Jon
i am on sick just now to go see the work on wed 7th as they want me to look at switch to will prob be a lower gradr and less hours .but a think am going to refuse as i now no a went back to soon as my own gp had said no at the time i thought as there doc had said i had to back a thought as he was works doc had to do as he said. now it a waiting came as i am very shy and very quite ,they think i am just goin to say ok but am fed up letting them walk all over me and am no moving with out a fight going to say do some thing to check ma concintration and if it is bad then take it from there,seen there doc september dont think he new much about strokes as he said he didnt think 2 months would make that much diffrence in my recovery but in strokes as we no one week can make a diffrence a dont really no that my memory is that bad no on as said statins cause memory issues i also have thyroid problems and age related problems after the stroke a year ago hospital said they thought there was problems but a lot can change in a year it didnt help that the person i was working with was after my shift did nt no that at the time a will wurry till wed now ,there doc didnt want to see me again till 6 month from sep ,so think a will say no what leave it till 6 month a will just stay on the sick then if i had new more about benifits a could get a would not have been panicing so much as it only me and my son in house and hes is not working so a was getting in a state woring about money so thought need to get back to work HAVE JUST MADE THINGS HARDER FOR MY SELF