Nice to see Differant strokes on here, hoping to communicate with other stroke survivors soon xx
Stroke survivor: Nice to see Differant... - Different Strokes
Stroke survivor
Hi, cice to meet you How do you feel now proppseed?
Getting on with life and being positive. Brain deafness is a challenge and my eyesight and balance play tricks on me. But I won't let it get the better of me.
Hope your grandfather doing well!

Hi poppyseed, I had mine three yrs. ago and still suffer with the vertigo! Brain deafnesss, how do you mean?
Mechanical my ear is fine after it was checked by an MRI, but when I had Brain evoked test to right ear it showed no brain waves, so Nuero confirmed the blood clot was to the ear, it is termed a dead ear by ENT. Hope this helps to explain. What are you taking for vertigo? And does it help?
My left ear is starting to hange too.
Hi. I suffered my Stroke in 1998 at the age of 32. I have just found this sight & hopefully I can offer both support & advice to uther Stroke Survivors!!!!