The aim in prescribing medicines to a person with diabetes is to achieve & maintain good blood glucose (BG) control through out the day. It will provide sense of well being & will help in preventing or arresting the development of serious heart, brain, eye, kidney and nerve disease.
Abruptly stopping medicine may be detrimental to your health. But under the guidance of your health care provider, you can definitely reduce the dose of medicines gradually. Follow healthy life style; consume diet prescribed by expert & perform aerobics regularly. If you are medically fit, play outdoor games. Yoga (flexibilities, asanas & pranayams) will help you a lot. Try to maintain ideal body weight. If you are overweight, reduce weight by at least 5%.
Before reducing the dose of medicine, make sure that BG values during other part of the day (i.e. before & after dinner) are normal, HbA1c (blood glucose control profile over preceding 90 days) level is less than 8% & you are not be having any complication of diabetes.
Dr. Mayur Patel
Chairman and Chief Diabetologist
All India Institute of Diabetes & Research
Swasthya Diabetes Care,