Very interesting Article indeed! A must read for everyone!
Before you go ahead and read the articles.. will give you some insights now that the pandemic continues since last 10 months and many countries undergoing a 2nd wave of Covid19 infection. Fortunately , the virus is mild and mostly it does not cause much of a problem barring some of our seniors who are with co-morbidities and with a weak immuno system and that too if timely treatment not taken...and due to lack of adequate no of ventilators in the hospitals.
At the outskirts of my city , there was a housing complex with 500 people living in strict lock down condition for the last 4 months and there was not a single complaint of Covid19 infection from that housing complex .. Recently the authorities decided to conduct covid19 test for all , and it was found out that 110 people tested Covid19 postive ! But none of them had symptoms of Covid19...the balance 390 people who tested negative underwent serological test and surprisingly 200 out of 390 had antibodies against covid19... Which means that these people had already had Covid19 infection and recovered on their own without having any symptoms..
Covid19 virus was very kind to all these people. 😀
Now please proceed to read the article to understand how Covid19 is going to end ?????? There are 8 paragraphs which are numbered 1,2,3.....8. please don't miss out any paragraph!
The second article talks how astrageneca would settle with a vaccine with 50% effectiveness.