Is there any harm in doing morning walk in winters, because I am living in mountainous state i.e. Himachal Pradesh India.
Morning walk in winters: Is there any harm in... - Diabetes India
Morning walk in winters

This is a tricky issue.Common advice is,you run the risk of hypo if you are on medication,because you are on empty stomach and the medicines continue to work.Another point is,when you start walking on empty stomach,the liver dumps sugar into the bloodstream to meet the demands of the physical activity,causing blood sugar hike.Either you eat something before walking,or switch to evening walks.I chose the later course under similar conditions.

If one is equipped with weather-appropriate gear, walking in winter mornings is alright. I believe your question is if it is okay for a diabetic.
As a diabetic particularly on medication/insulin, one has to be extra vigilant. Any intense physical activity has a direct influence on blood sugar. Effect of physical exercise on blood sugar varies from person to person. It is best to monitor your blood sugar before and after walking and take suitable precaution accordingly. In general, walking on an empty stomach is to be avoided. If you run the risk of hypos, keep some glucose tablets or some carbohydrate snacks. Take care and enjoy walking.
As suggested by other friends walking in empty stomach is definitely not recommended for Diabetics. Also FBS is another pointer. It should be above 80 or so. I have my diabetic breakfast and also medicines and take up walk both in plains and hills all weather. Continued the routine even in US snowy winters. Can only share my experience. Please do not ignore medical advise. At my age (70), walking is the simplest exercise I could continue and happy that I practiced it from some time and made it a habit.
Yes. In winters the blood gets thick and BP is raised. Since diabetics are more prone to Heart disease it is advisable to avoid morning walk.However it can be done when sun is shining and in the sun
Well done for getting out & walking. Don't slip ! But it is good for you.