I have muscle cramps late at night. How to overcome diabetes 5 yrs.?
Symptom diabetic: I have muscle cramps late... - Diabetes India
Symptom diabetic

Priority is to control sugar levels.Do some stretching exercises regularly.If some of the muscles are not put to use regularly maybe causing the cramps.
You have to control your diabetics Mellitus within limits first. Have vitamin B12, and take 2-4 paadam at Night before go to bed, that will help you.
Cramps in legs are normally caused with dehydration. Drink plenty of water & try to keep bg on target. Keep off high carbs & I drink lots of Diet Tonic water & it seems to work fine. Tonic water is good for circulation, good luck
Cramps are caused by muscle spasms - involuntary contractions of one or more muscles. They can be painful but are usually harmless. ... They often occur in the muscles of the calf or foot but can also affect the front and back of the thigh, hands, arms, abdomen and muscles along the ribcage.
I drink one glass of water before going to bed. I will put socks on both legs. This will benefit my feet in 3 ways.
1) The foot will remain warm and it causes more blood circulation. Electric fans and air conditioners may cause your feet cold. If necessary, cover your body with blanket. More blood circulation in the extremities will solve peripheral neuropathy.
2) I will be free from mosquito bite.
3) If the foot remains cold and if there is less blood circulation, muscle cramps will occur. I am now free from muscle cramps after adopting this procedure.
The facts stated above have no scientific evidence.