Hi I am taking 15 ml of jamun vinegar mixed with one cup of water . I take this 45 minutes before meals. I have observed 30 percent reduction in my PP. Is there any issue in taking this for a long time. Also I want to know does it stop carbohydrates digestion.
Vinegar helpful in reducing blood sugar levels - Diabetes India
Vinegar helpful in reducing blood sugar levels

No issue
Can take for longer period
For me the benefits seen:
Lowers PP by a few points
Eliminated acidity problem I used to have
Provides vital electrolytes
Is ketogenic
It's a fermented product..

The molecular mechanisms by which vinegar can improve glycemic control have been presented using human, animal and cell culture data.These mechanisms include (i) activation of the free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFAR2) receptors localized in the enteroendocrine L-cells of the intestinal lumen, leading to increased glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP-1) secretion, (ii) increased 5'adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation, leading to increased fatty acid oxidation and decreased hepatic gluconeogenesis, (iii) lowering of free fatty acid in circulation, potentially leading to improved insulin sensitivity, (iv) increased blood flow to the peripheral tissues and (v) increased satiety, leading to lower food intake.
This is what the action glp 1 analogues do....
and vinegar is safe and cheap option....
Nice info @cure
Variations are available
Braggs Apple cider vinegar
Jamun vinegar
All are acids
Powder is different
In vinegar the sugars are fermented to convert it to alcohol and further fermented to convert it to acid
Jamun seed powder is also good.
I used to take them earlier
cure can provide more info on this
Pancreatic and intestinal glucosidases are the key enzymes of dietary carbohydrate digestion and inhibitors of these enzymes may be effective in retarding glucose absorption (Bhat et al., 2008). This is because only monosaccharides are readily taken up from the intestine and all other carbohydrates have to be broken-down
enzymatically before they can be absorbed. Ou
t of twelve medicinal plants screened for α-glucosidase inhibitor, the aqueous extract of
Psidium guajava showed strong inhibition (99.5%) followed by Abrus precatorius
(76.8%) whereas Butea frondosa (flower) showed least inhibition 6.22%. Among the plant extracts which showed inhibition against
α-glucosidase, the total phenolic content were high in P. guajava leaves and Syzygium
cumini seed. IC50 values were determined using dose response curves for the plant extracts which showed inhibitory activity and their total phenolic content were determined and are shown in Table 1.

Started using this product from 14th.I am hopeful.