It is found that very often there is huge difference in blood sugar values between lab test and glucometer. Since lab test results are considered accurate , then what is the use of using glucometer, since treatment will vary greatly with the results.
Blood sugar value difference: It is found... - Diabetes India
Blood sugar value difference
In the lab, blood is taken from the vein and serum glucose is examined. But in the glucose-meter, we take capillary blood for examination. Arterial and capillary blood contains more glucose than venous blood.
I have discussed this issue with our diabetes department staff - educators and others. It is learnt that even taking into consideration vein vs capillary issue, there will remain at least 20 % difference. Hence, glucometer is mainly used for monitoring sugar level of confirmed diabetes cases only, because of ease of use. For diagnosing diabetes in new cases, only lab test should be relied upon.
Please caliberate your glucometer with lab. You can do this by testing with glucometer and in the lab. with the same sample of blood. Repeat this process at each lab test. You will get the the measure of difference.
I have discussed this issue with our diabetes department staff - educators and others. It is learnt that even taking into consideration vein vs capillary issue, there will remain at least 20 % difference. Hence, glucometer is mainly used for monitoring sugar level of confirmed diabetes cases only, because of ease of use. For diagnosing diabetes in new cases, only lab test should be relied upon
Which glucometer do you use ? For higher values there is larger variation.
With Accucheck and One Touch, I rarely found much difference.
Different companies glucometers have different values. Don't worry 😉
That is why, trust upon HBA1C.