Hi All. I just came across this article.
Hope this article is useful. This medicine is very expensive.!!
Hi All. I just came across this article.
Hope this article is useful. This medicine is very expensive.!!
This subject comes up with monotonous regularity.
BRG 34 does not work. And a slick website is a poor way of choosing the path to health of an unproven 'medicine'.
BGR 34=Psychological satisfaction
Yes,it is meant to provide financial benefits to some medicine manufacturers!
Not good
useless medicine just doing propaganda
BGR 34-Old stuffs in new capsules to loot the innocent diabetic victims..Bombastic advertisements and high price is fixed at par with Allopathic medicines..According to a report,Eating the leaves of insuline plant daily may give good results to some body constitutions.Never become the scape goat to these looters.Eat carefully,do some possible excercises like walking,cycling,yoga or even mudras in dedicated manner.Even consult a genuine Homeopathic doctor.Many diabetic patients show good results in Homeopathy without any side effects..It depends on the individual constitution only.Diabetese is not curable but may be kept under control by suitable constitutional medicines.As far possible,trying to keep out of Allopathic medicines is best,cause severe side effects like kidney,eye sights,neuropathic problems are unavoidable even after 30 years of Allopathic treatment.Endevear for finding suitable medicine system according to your body constitution.Even very simple things become curable.One of my friends keep his diabetese in control just taking rice bran with hot water in nights.It is only luck to find a suitable medicine.In unavoidable situations if we have no other ways,follow the killer medicines of Allopathic system.After 30 years of treating with Allopathic killer medicines,the patients should get ready for kidney failures,loss of eye sights,neuropathic disorders or even amputations of limbs etc..Strive hard to find a suitable medicine system matching your body constitution.Never become the victims of fake advertisements to loot our earnings..
We have to understand that Diabetes is a complex disease with different forms, symptoms and types. Ayurveda talks about 20 different types for which treatment are different. We cannot have a miracle medicine that cure all types of diabetes.
It is disappointing that even educated people are victims of magical medicines, one miracle herb found in forest that cure all diseases or such impossible claims. Maybe we Indians love magics and miracles too much, everybody dreams to wake one morning to be a superhero.