Wants to help to cure dibites : My name is... - Diabetes India

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Wants to help to cure dibites

Raj_2 profile image
29 Replies

My name is raj. I am from jaipur raj. I am 38 yrs old. I am suffer from dibites which was identified last year in June month & experience same my mother also suffer from dibites from last year. We both take alopathy medicines but it's doesn't effect properly. 

        Kindly help me to cure this disease. 

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Raj_2 profile image
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29 Replies
MikePollard profile image

Anup has the answer, but are you sure you wouldn't like to tear the throat out of an antelope? 

Raj_2    If you have strong will, you can overcome your problems. The impressive tiger image (mascot? logo?) should bolster your willpower, so read on!

[1] Seek a traditional physician – TAM, TCM, Unani, etc., to assess your diabetic status including your mother’s as well.

[2] Follow a simple diet involving calorie and carb restriction. The easiest is to eat 1-2 meals a day. Preferably 1.5 meals. Do this for 8-12 weeks. Your BG will drop in as short as 2 days if you stick to just one full meal a day. But you must meet the dietary target of a minimum of 8 weeks. Extending it to 12 weeks is advisable. No snacks or teabreaks, etc. Resist the temptation to suck a sweet, etc.

[3] Dietary change or intervention is the fundamental and foremost step. Medicines and supplements cannot take the place of dietary change.  They can help support the dietary changes you make, making it easier and speed up the reversal progress and bringing down BG numbers but these are often temporary and do not last long. Plus you become dependent on them. 

[4] When you reach the end of the 12-week diet plan, your BG will stabilize and the diabetic complications will reverse, etc. Each person is different so when you reach that point, you can post your triumphant results for all to see at Health Unblocked and proclaim - here comes the tiger, burning bright!

Find out more by reading the Newcastle Diet / Study / Project which shares some similarities with the above dietary intervention:

[1] theguardian.com/lifeandstyl...

[2] humansarenotbroken.com/reve...

ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to

Excellent suggestion. Will most probably meet the requirement raised in the post.

in reply to ShooterGeorge

ShooterGeorge   Raj_2  

thanks for the feedback, SG. When it comes to helping others, it is best to keep it simple and practical - many diabetics are already worried, anxious, stressed, etc and it would be cruel to add more of the same thru' suggesting, controversial, impractical or complicated dietary changes and also popping more pills, vitamins, minerals, etc.

I woi;dn't have suggested the above protocol without trying it out myself first.  I am now in day 17 of the same protocol and still have 67 days to go. By day 12, my BG had dropped by a total of 104.4 ml/dl (5.8 mmol). I am confident that there will more BG drops if I persevere till the completion of target period.  You may be pleased to hear that I've incorporated cracked sambha wheat into my dietary plan.

Whether S. Wheat has caused the BG drop at this stage is unclear but I intend to replace it with other grains (for the sake of testing) when the BG stabilizes to see if it is indeed the (main? sole?) cause or not.

Yes, I will post the interim and final results when they are ready.

ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to

Hidden  ,

I am glad to see that so many brilliant minds are put in designing experiments to establish false evidence against the curative power of LW.

The real purpose of the experiment is very clear to me; thanks for the narration.

ALL YOUR EFFORTS MAKES ME HAPPIER FOR THE SIMPLE REASON THAT IT REAFFIRMS THE REAL POTENTIAL OF LONG WHEAT IN CURING DIABETES. More glad that at least those who wage war against LW have understood its curative capability. 

in reply to ShooterGeorge

cure   ; Thanks SG for the response.

There will always be scoffers, mockers, etc.  who will sit on the fence and throw stones and even over-ripened persimmons at those who dare to take the plunge.  But then, no venture, no gain!


What you might want to add to your case is that Sambha wheat or emmer, unlike ordinary wheat, has not been subjected to genetic modification. 

Thankfully a few ancient grains have been spared from the tentacles of Mosanto. Ancient grains like Kamut or Khorasan, spelt, einkorn - these I believe are great for battling with the modern rubbish grains on the market for they pander to the palate of consumers rather than to their health.

Genetic modification is often aimed at increasing the gluten content which is precisely the demon that is doing havoc to intestinal permeability, immune system disorders and worse, it's linked with diabetes. The added use of the glyphosate insecticide post harvest is said to compound and exacerbate the gluten issue.

I am thankful that I can find sambha wheat here in KL, Malaysia. Even though it's the cracked / broken / rawa / variety, I don't mind that, as cooking time is just 15-20 minutes. 

Did you write once that LW was recommended in the scriptures or manuals of Ayurveda?  if so, could you provide details or citations -  it will surely provide a solid testimony and sound basis for its recommendation.

Since the publication of the book "Wheat Belly" by the doctor, William Davies, who reversed his T2DM by removing wheat and its products from his diet, wheat has been demonized quite a bit on the web.  But this runs counter to the constant recommendation of wheat in the Christian Bible - wheat, milk and honey were the 3 staples recommended by Jehovah.

It appears that the culprit comes from modern genetic modification of the wheat DNA. In its pristine and original form, wheat does not cause allergies, etc.  Anecdotal evidence and testimonies have shown that this is indeed the case. Those who can't tolerate modern or ordinary wheat have no issues with ancient wheat - spelt, emmer, kamut, teff ... even though all of them contain gluten but only in small amounts that the body can handle without issues.

Spelt wheat has already been introduced to India by a Dutch company [Indo-Dutch joint venture] - hopefully it will flourish and add to the list of safe, healthfoods. You can check it out here:


Unfortunately I can't get the spelt grain here, except for spelt flour which is expensive.  Never mind, some day it will come perhaps...

Freekeh [from Australia] has recently become available but very expensive!!

ShooterGeorge profile image

Cure of Diabetes will need years, not days weeks or months. I do not think that any sensible person will expect diabetes to be cured in such a short time frame.

in reply to ShooterGeorge

 yes    , diabetes     is      totally   and   absolutely   curable . But   as    already     pointed`    out   by   ur    learned    friend    , it    takes      years `   since`   it   is    the   out`    come   of   years    and`   no    days    or `   months .

rsridhar220962 profile image
rsridhar220962 in reply to ShooterGeorge

Kindly read my previous comment on the subject

Raj_2 profile image

Plz Plz Plz I can't understand LCHF DIET. KINDLY explain in detail. I am vr thankfully to u if you do this for me. 

rsridhar220962 profile image

Diabetes is 100% Curable. I have proved in more than 5000 cases of Reverse the metabolism. It is just about right food. Initially you might need to continue the medication; but after sometime, depending on your present lipid profile, you may start reducing the dosage and finally come out of medicine.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to rsridhar220962

rsridhar220962  , please let us know what exactly "cure" means in context of type 2 diabetes.

rsridhar220962 profile image
rsridhar220962 in reply to jingale

Cure, I mean by 1) Eat Well; 2) Eat Full 3 times a Day; 3) Not eating for every 2 hours; 4) Not mandatory to go for walking; may take small walk in morning and evening just to relax; 5) Sleep well; 6) Free from medicines; including insulin; 7) Eat Banana; 8) Never catch even Cold; 9) Eat ethnic sweets;

Be a normal person.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to rsridhar220962

Interesting! Could you please share your cure plan with us? Please share the thread, if you have already done so. Thanks.

rsridhar220962 profile image
rsridhar220962 in reply to jingale

Treatment is more customized. Let me know first your Serum Lipid Profile, including Blood urea, Serum Ceratinin, Hemoglobin, 

ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to rsridhar220962

This thread will most probsbly end here, @rsridhar....

ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to rsridhar220962

You said it, @rsridhar....

Unfortunately majority of diabetics world over LIVE LIKE ACROBATS balancing between food, exercise, anxieties & medicines. Most pitiable thing is that there are "learned" people to say that taking medicines till the last breath is the best thing to do.

in reply to jingale

Simple matter - no need to complicate things.  If one can live like a nondiabetic with a sensitive and responsive metabolism w.r.t insulin and BG levels, one is obviously in the clear.  Whether one person wants to call it remission, total remission, partial remission, cure, essentially cured, reversal, etc is just boring polemics and verbiage. Perhaps, the more important issue is appreciating the difference between "cured" and "healed". See to the articles at the links below:

[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cure

[2] glamour.com/story/being-cur...

[3] sunriserounds.com/is-remiss...

[4] mindbodygreen.com/0-7961/wh...

Raj_2 profile image
Raj_2 in reply to rsridhar220962

Plzzzzzzz tell me how can I cure my dibites. What can I do plzzzz tell me 

Raj_2 profile image
Raj_2 in reply to rsridhar220962

Dear sir dhar, 

      Me & my mom suffer from dibites from last year. My mom 65 yrs old & I am 38 yrs old. Both are vr tension bcz of this dibites. 

   You told it is 100%curable. So plzzzz tell the plan to cure this disease. 

   Plzzz plzzzz sridhar  help us. 

ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to rsridhar220962

That is it, @rsridhar......

It would good if Hidden or someone could provide a summary of this in English as the narrator is speaking in Hindi (?) which I don't understand.


Raj_2 profile image

Thanks sir, 

   I want to know in how many days i will take to this to cure dibites. 

  When I made this in how many days it will be consumed. 

  Kindly tell this. 

rsridhar220962 profile image
rsridhar220962 in reply to Raj_2

It depends on your present lipid profile.

rsridhar220962 profile image

The creator knows how to promote 

I   don/t  say   that`   because`  many   systems  like     siddha`  , unani  ,  Ayurveda`   along`   with    homeopathy   can   do   that    but`  it`  is`  a  matter   of`  time . But    modern`   medicine`   can't`  do`  that    because   they`   treat`   the  symptoms     superficially`  and`   they`  never`    aim   at   the`  total cure   from  the`   root .

rsridhar220962 profile image

If this is info I just take it. do not want to react to it.

dialife profile image

Like in Jaundice when you give your Liver rest by consuming low fat food, so in Diabetes, you need to heal your Pancreas by eating a diet like Long Wheat Mash Diet Regimen (LWMDR). I reduced my blood sugar this way and so did many others. Just diet won't help. You need to heal the Pancreas too. Please follow healthunlocked.com/user/sho...

who pioneered the LWMDR, an old ayurvedic regimen and you can read my old posts too for more information.

You can begin here. Read this thoroughly before starting on the LWMDR: bit.ly/1OaKGKi

truthseeker136 profile image

Hi cjuan, I'm wondering about your progress with your regimen. Can you please post an update?

I would like to post a correction: you stated that modern wheat is a result of genetic modification. However this is not true. Farmers have been breeding plants for eons to 'select' certain characteristics such as pest resistance, yield, height, color etc. This was what was done to wheat during the green revolution to fight world hunger. If you search green revolution you can see that the scientist was credited with saving billions from starvation. The wheat was selected to be high yielding and consume less water. Countries like India became food sufficient for the first time. As much as I hate Monsanto, I often find that people are confused about the difference between GMO and simple plant breeding which is quite similar to breeding done in animals (eg. Dogs).

Only about 4-6 crops in the world have been modified - corn, soybean, zucchini etc. being the main ones

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