Is Camel Milk The Answer?: You may not heard... - Diabetes India

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Is Camel Milk The Answer?

63 Replies

You may not heard of this - that camel milk contains natural insulin and is used in the Arab countries to combat diabetes, esp T1DM where insulin is lacking or nonexistent.  And it is available in India - T1DM sufferers should rejoice at this wonderful gift of Nature as it can give freedom by replacing those unpleasant daily insulin shots, to say nothing of the constant BG monitoring and multiple invasive BG testing.  It needs pointing out that all milk - whether human or animals - contains insulin but the concentration of the insulin is higher in ruminating animals than in  human colostrum.  In the words of researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Neg, Israel: "... all milks had insulin, the fact that only camel milk is unaffected by gastric acid allows it to pass into the intestines where it is apparently absorbed."

Some extracts, quotes garnered from the web:

"People with diabetes are drinking it to help us reduce our blood sugar and to reduce the amount of insulin we have to take. Camel milk is one of those rare functional foods that helps us manage our diabetes better." - David Mendoza:

“One of the usual comments that we hear from our customers is that after drinking camel milk for a week, it drops their blood sugar and decreases the amount of insulin they have to inject.”  - Walid, US migrant from Somalia.

"... camel milk contains sufficient levels of insulin to help prevent, and perhaps treat, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes... it’s been found that a certain tribe of Rajahstani camel breeders, known as the Raicas, have an extremely low incidence of diabetes. Rajahstan is ... where for many tribes, camels are a way and means of life. For many Raicas, camel milk is a dietary staple, and the currently proposed reason why the diabetes epidemic has bypassed their community. In fact, it was found that Raicas who consume camel milk daily have a zero percent incidence of diabetes."

- Researchers in Bikaner, India.

"It may be stated that camel milk is safe and efficacious in improving long-term glycemic control, with a significant reduction in the doses of insulin in type 1 diabetic patients."  - PubMed: Agrawal RP1, Jain S, Shah S, Chopra A, Agarwal V.

"Camel milk can be an effective remedy for diabetes as it contains high levels of insulin and helped sufferers of Type 2 diabetes by reducing their reliance on injections, published reports said citing Indian studies." - Medical Daily

"At Cairo University, a 4-month trial was conducted involving 54 participants receiving insulin. Of those, 27 drank 500 ml. of camel milk every day. Test results showed that those drinking camel milk had significantly reduced blood sugar and higher C-peptide levels, which indicate improved insulin function. Following this, Prof. Agrawal conducted a 2-year study which concluded with proof that three participants no longer needed insulin." - Miriam Kresh (israelikitchen)

"Most impressive [Cairo University study] were the boosts in C-peptide levels in the camel milk-drinking group, suggesting a boost in the body’s own insulin secretion."

- World Now, Los Angeles Times.



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63 Replies
MikePollard profile image


Here's another good link where you can read plenty on the marvels of camel milk and how Dr Hinkel has used it to treat these health issues - shingles, Lyme disease, autism, hepatitis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, cancer,

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Worth exploring,but camel milk is not available every where. Should it be used raw or pasteurised ?

in reply topatliputra

Agreed... really worth exploring. Avoid pasteurization, though. I believe the traditional way is just boiling it like cow milk, to avoid

ingesting microbes in the raw milk.

in reply topatliputra

I think the discovery is relatively new and so progress is slow - would you believe it, USA (and others too) have strict trade laws about milk competitors and even here in Malaysia, the govt is very slow in granting permits.  Which is why it is not yet available in many places. And there is even a queuing system for buyers in Australia as the supply is unable to catch up with rising demand.

thanks for the info, anup. Pity you didn't try it otherwise your feedback on taste, etc would be helpful.

Thanks.  Because of the limited supply available, it is expensive.  The one available here in KL is imported from Pakistan and it comes in a sachet.  Unfortunately, it's been mixed with sugar, creamer, etc, and from the taste, I feel there is very little camel milk powder in the formulation.  It's called Susu Unta (susu = milk; unta = camel)

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to

So they have borrowed the word for camel from Indian languages! Interesting!

in reply tojingale

sorry, jingale, am not clear what you saying here... please explain in greater detail. Thanks.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to

The word for camel in some Indian languages in "unta", derived from Sanskrit word "ushtra". Just pointed out that "unta" in "susu unta" is borrowed from Indian languages, which is interesting but not surprising, because Indian civilization is considered to be the mother civilization across south east asia. :-)

in reply tojingale

Thanks for the explanation. Sorry to say M'sia borrows a lot of Sanskrit words because it is a very young language and so is lacking in technical and scientific terms. Even the name Malaysia, originally Malaya, is derived from the Tamil word Malai, Malay, meaning 'hill' and one can today even locate the so-called 'Malaya hills' in southern India!!

Examples of loan words from India:

dua (two for Sanskrit 'dve'); anugerah, putra/puteri, agama, asram, bangsa, bharat, timor, bumi, alam, etc.

More here:

cure profile image

Hmmm all together new information.... At Anjar...Katccha area of Gujarat they sell milk cake made of Carmel milk..

It is called Khabadi....(not Rabadi) it is very tasty....

But about contains of insulin is undigestable only because in same breath it says c peptide level was increased.. This means it simulated beta cells...not supplied insulin...

Further as I understand..... If it increase insulin level then I am sure it must be fattening.... Those tribals who use camel milk are not fat..

Same thing is said about donky milk.Benefits of camel milk are advocate d by prophet Mohammad.... U will find many Hadith's on the same...

Prophet advocated nigella sativa and camel milk

in reply tocure

The prophet was being wise and practical thru' recommending something LOCALLY available like Nigella, camel milk, donkey milk and olive oil too.  This locality factor happens to be one of my 3 criteria for selecting herbal solutions to ailments:

[1] Is it locally available locally? Now you do not want to run around looking for that botanical or order it online every time it runs out

[2] Is it affordable? One can't be spending thousands of $$ (like cancer-busting medicine) as that can break one's pocket.

[3] Is it easy to take or prepare? You don't want to spend the whole day preparing it in your kitchen.

The interesting about camel milk is that the insulin in it does not degrade in the stomach acids unlike all the other types of milk that contain the same hormone. This is the reason why artificial insulin has to be injected most of the time though some places have started using transdermal method, whereas it bypasses the GI tract. There is Oralyn where insulin is sprayed into the mouth and is absorbed by the lungs (available in India I read). Best of all is the insulin pill which should hit the market before long. One hospital in Kerala and another in Britain are racing to bring it on the market. The Taiwanese were among the first to show that insulin can survive intact until it reaches the small intestines if the pill or capsule is specially coated with some substance. A great advantage of an insulin pill is that It has been shown to perform much better in glucose management than the injected form.

You are right about the demerit points for insulin - its unwelcome fattening side effect. But did you know that insulin also shortens the user's life by ten years too? An intelligent person can quickly spot the flaw in using insulin - it is NOT intended by nature.  In fact this is the reason why medical people and researchers have moved away from the insulin to the incretin mimetics/hormones - a non-insulin based model or approach - unfortunately these hormones have to be injected too but the comfort and convenience is that at least one of them needs to be injected only once a week.

You are fortunate to find it locally available in the form of Khabadi and it seems to be relatively affordable as @ anup pointed out above: "At NRCC Bikaner, it's at Rs 20/l, IIRC"

"Rich in lactose and low in fat, donkey milk is said by experts to be the closest animal milk to the human variety. The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation says it has “particular nutritional benefits”, with a protein profile that may make it more suitable for those allergic to cow's milk."

- The Telegraph.

And it's approved in Ayurveda too:

cure profile image

@ Cjuan

Thank you for appreciating points raised by is very wonderful that you pointed out points about

[1] Is it locally available locally? Now you do not want to run around looking for that botanical or order it online every time it runs out

[2] Is it affordable? One can't be spending thousands of $$ (like cancer-busting medicine) as that can break one's pocket.

[3] Is it easy to take or prepare? You don't want to spend the whole day preparing it in your kitchen.

Even camel milk and donkey milk is not easily available...but following herbs are easily available...

1- Fenugreek

2 bougainvillea .....its is grown as ornamental plant it has got  pinitol...which has got ability of  insulin mimicry

3 Mitragyana parvofolia.....local name is Krishna kadamb(not simple kadamb) available all over India.... in Malaysia i guess its cousin is available...but legally banned.

4 vinca rosea...sababahar....

5 and Vijaysar....Pterocarpus marsupium.... it is said....this is only herb which will help u to regenerate beta cells. Yes....only herb......How??? we don't know..

About this claim I am not sure.. may be or may not...I will be trying this herb in coming few is very cheap...20 Rs for 50 Gms...and daily dose is just 10 gms.

6 turmaric...there is also one special black turmeric....avilable in large quantity in chattisgadh and madhya pradesh.

here is one nice link

How about Co Q10???

Any thoughts??

Re the high price for donkey and camel milk - absolutely right.  Basic economic factor of low supply and high demand. But given time and greater awareness and the tentacles of commercialism, they will soon be available, so in the meantime, one has to be patient and wait.  Yes, I have come across and tried most of the botanicals you listed above. Vinca (tastes yucky), Turmeric (not black type unfortunately), fenugreek, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, clove, cardamon, bougainvillea, gymnema, fermented oolong tea, lagerstroemia, neem, drumstick leaves, mulberry leaves, sky fruit, vilva, jackfruit leaves, aloe vera, costus, amala, tulasi, ginseng, kesum, curry leaf, lady fingers, bitter melon/gourd, basella alba, kovai, andrographis, ashwaghanda, avarampoo .... the list is endless. But hardly any impact.  Two that initially showed promise were bitter melon and the extract of lagerstroemia speciosis (called corosolic acid). I boiled the 250 gm of the former in some water and drank the tea (China recipe). OMG, I went hypo - scary and then had a nasty headache and stomachache.  With corosolic acid, the BG came down to normal hovering around 90 mg/dl.  Would you believe, I couldn't repeat the BG lowering effects after that.  It is as if I had become immune to them. I have found that botanicals and spices generally have little effect and even when they do, somehow the body is able to outsmart and get round it.

I've not come across black turmeric - sounds exotic and interesting. I have a high regard for turmeric (used in worship of Divine Mother in India, so you can't go wrong here). I read that in its normal form it is not readily bioavailable unless you take it with pepper or pepperine (pepper extract).  I have tried black seed cumin or Nigella - we get tons of it here - from Turkey mostly but it does absolutely nothing for me.  You might have heard of black [fermented] garlic which is highly prized in China - it costs the earth and extremely troublesome to make, but some people swear by its miraculous health properties.

I'd luv to get hold of some vijaysar one day.  I managed to get the one related to it - Pterocapus santalinus powder which is bright red in color - have not noticed any effects on me. Have you tried it?  You're so lucky to be surrounded by so many affordable botanicals - I do get some of it here but reliable supply is hard to come by generally. I recently tried this paneer dodi stuff - I guess it is similar to avarampoo / tanner's cassia. Very cheap and affordable. The former however is very expensive surprisingly - some merchant is obviously slicing the consumer's throat.

And yes, I've tried CoQ10 before - I could feel some benefits initially but nothing subsequently. Ubiquinone I read is the preferred choice but it's $$$$.  Be careful with supplementation - one of my friends G who has a heart problem took it after being given some of CoQ10 by S, a good friend of his.  You know what happened? G saw himself died and went to the other side but it so happened that S suddenly phoned him to say hi. At that critical point G found himself returning to his body - he said that the process of death had already begun and that the body was beginning to smell!! 

cure profile image

What????what was that????

"one of my friends G who has a heart problem took it after being given some of CoQ10 by S, a good friend of his.  You know what happened? G saw himself died and went to the other side but it so happened that S suddenly phoned him to say hi. At that critical point G found himself returning to his body - he said that the process of death had already begun and that the body was beginning to smell!! "

Death like experience????Hmmm due to Co q10??? well may be some other co Q 10....may be he must be in meditation.....gone for astral traveling....

further how can body smell??? don't know exact process of Rigor mortis...but takes longer....

And yes....Diabetes is known to Ayurveda for 5000 yrs....there is no sure shot herb or diet prescribed by Ayurveda to treat this....

Although Shoot Georgejee says there is verse in old texts about long will be interesting to  ask him some day about the book and read the original version some day.

Even as Ayurveda is based on observations and then results....I am surprised that why there is no mention of LCHF diet in Ayurveda to control diabetes???It only says....'Ghee' is fuel for 'Jatharagni'.And once that agni is will burn all ur problems....melt ur fats...burn ur sugar.

In Mahabhrata....Agani himself went to Arjuna and krishna ..and asked for 'Khandv vana dah'Agani asked them to burn Khandav Van along with animals and trees.

And in turn Shri Krishna and Arjuna burned ...and agani ate all those animals....with fats and proteins....(LCHF??LOL )

As co q10 is natural substance made by liver....Statin is known to deplete the same....It is very much required for body nutritional is recommended for health of heart.But... my point is if it helps heart ...will it help beta cells even???

And are should be careful about nutritional supplements....If person is on DPP4 blockers....should not use by blocking dpp4 we have already removed natural shield against cancer cells...and in that Q10 might help cancer cells to grow.

You forget to mention one herb....Coccinia Indica/grandis=Ivy Guard. It is easily available in India...helps to lower  blood sugar.

Also try single clove is more powerful.It is available in Pune in local market....although bit costly...but not exorbitant...(still we can pay price in RS and not in $$$)

Yes...Black haldi is 'Sakshat Kali'.....There are many myths about this herb....and lots of medicinal properties said.... there are many 'tantrik prayog'(black magic) attached to this is said its very rare....but in reality....its available in chattisgarh. madhya pradesh.If some day you visit 'Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany'-Lucknow you will find it is grown as ornamental plant in those gardens.NOTHING MAGICAL.....NOTHING SPECIAL.....I am growing it at my home.

One more is said you may soak rudraksha seeds in copper vessel in  water and drink the will help u to reduce your insulin resistance.

Yes we Indians are very i read more....I am surprised that when surrounded with so many herbs no one India should be diabetic....but LOL.....situation is opposite.

Well there was one exhibition held last week at Ahmedabad....where they displayed a variety of Rice which helps to lower blood sugar....HAHA

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

enlightening reply....again thanks for sharing 

in reply tocure

thanks for a very entertaining letter... yes, I have to LOL with you too, and I have to say you're well read and have a strong drive to do your own research.

G actually died even for a while, and that's why he said his soul left the body and was about to enter the other world but then he heard the telephone in his house ringing from a distance. That made him do a U-turn.  This guy is very, very psychic and does a lot of healing for people. Being sensitive in this way, I guess this is why he could detect a faint smell of decay setting in when he re-entered the body.

I do not know what the actual cause of G's death was - it could be that his weakened heart could not take the strain of the supplement which could have been due to high dosage.  He is on prescription drugs for heart problem in the first place so drug interaction is a possibility.  Mine you, this is an expensive, high grade CoQ10 produced by the Japs, I believe the patented Kaneka brand so it's not due to questionable content.  It is always wise to begin dosing with just a little first and slowly build up the dosage. Ironically S, the guy who gave him the CoQ10, passed away just two weeks ago from heart attack - age 62 years!!  His friend G, who is a Tai chi master and a very good friend of mine living in Singapore, is quite hale, and hearty at age 83 years! 

All the gliptin drugs carry risks and have been linked with cancer. The only one sold here is Januvia and I won't touch it, even if given free. Recently, the FDA reported precisely this concern with the Japanese analog version - alogliptin?  Also two gliptins have been found to interact with grapefruit. Worse, the BG fall it affords is minimal and is a waste of precious money. But it is the principle that it is based on is the one that will pave the way for changes that will be revolutionary w.r.t. new lines of diabetic drugs.

Your mention of Sakshat Kali has pricked my ears as She is one of my protectors - I'll make it a point to research this more and see where it leads to.  The capital city where I live is called Kuala Lumpur - I use to call it "Kali Lumpur", believe it or not !!

I do have a rudraksha mala - am not sure whether it is made of genuine rudraksha beads or not as I've been warned that many are not.  But it's worth a try. Thanks for the tip.

And yes, I have tried coccinia / ivy gourd too (Kovakkai?) - even the actual vegetable which I used to toss into my salad bowl.  No noticeable effect on BG.  I even braved eating that called pazhu pavakkai - yes, no BG-lowering effect too. Other than these, there is not much else available here in the capital, unlike the infinite variety of veges, fruits, herbs, spices you can get at your fingertips in blessed India.

I have begun to introduce Sambha wheat into my diet. Unfortunately this is the broken or cracked wheat which I suppose is different from the one recommended by ShooterGeorge. I have yet to see the long form being sold here.

Low carb diet has much great impact on lowering BG than low fat. As for the latter, it is quality, not the quantity of fat, that I think is critical, since polyunsaturates which saturate the market are unbalanced w.r.t the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3. Worse, most of it are already ruined thru' oxygenation before they are even put on the supermarket shelves. The one that has perfect balance is hemp seed oil which is probable available in India. Actually oils and fats are the preferred fuel for the body and esp the brain, compared to glucose from carbs.  This is the rationale for the so-called ketogenic diet - as it is still a new area, it may not be wise to vote for it until more positive evidence of its benefits are forthcoming.  I only use Luglio EVOO, rice bran oil, ghee and Idhayam sesame seed oil. I also take walnut oil + pomegranate see oil in supplemetary doses.

I decided to design my own diet centered on that Sambha wheat on April 12, and plan to continue this for 12 weeks. So far, the BG has dropped a whopping 5.8 mmol/l or 104.4 mg/dl over a period of 12 days.  Looks good, doesn't it? I hope to do a separate post on this at the end of 4 weeks and then keep updating it until the 12 weeks are over.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

hmmm nice u mentioned...... The one that has perfect balance is hemp seed oil which is probable available in India.

Guess there is some research is going on Psychosomatic herbs as they have some hypoglycemic effect.

During this Holi festival me and Anup had discussion on same.

the herb which I suggested Mitragyana Parvofolia...and its cousin mitragyana spaciosa ...this spaciosa is banned in Thailand and for same reason.I guess in Malaysia it is called Ketum got same hypoglycemic effect.

here is one nice link

in reply tocure

The name Ketum has been hitting me the last day or two and I do not know why. I must have tuned into you and anup's minds, hahaha. 

Just recently the Thai govt arrested some Malaysians for smuggling it to Thailand ... yes, it's illegal in both countries. I have never tried it so am completely ignorant on its purported health benefits and what not.

The one I am especially interested in is hemp oil, not hemp SEED oil, a different thing. The latter is perfect in the diet because of the 3:1 ratio between Omega 6 and 3.

In contrast, hemp oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of the same hemp plant.  This contains both THC and CBD. THC is psychoactive and reason why hemp (aka ganja, marijuana, etc) is banned. But CBD has miraculous healing properties and amazingly, it has been in the plant to counteract THC.  CBD has been shown to reverse diabetes (+ cancer and other severe diseases like multiple sclerosis) in a matter of weeks without any drug or diet intervention.  what is most amazing is that the body has a whole network of receptors for CBD - in the brain, pancreas, heart, etc.  - a complete system in place called the endocannabinoid system and that its deficiency have been implicated in a whole range of illnesses - metabolic syndrome being one of them. This is why those who ingest hemp oil gets immediate relief and remission of their illnesses.  it's that powerful. Many states in the USA are slowly legalizing it, reversing the Federal govt stand on the drug in favor of the medical use of cannabis. The first country in the world to legalize it is Uruquay.  When consumed properly, it can restore a damaged body to optimal health and reverse aging!!

The situation in India is rather unusual. It is legal if harvested in the wild but illegal to grow or farm it.  I heard that it is legal to consume it provided that is from the wild and during the Holi festival, many people are at liberty to drink a beverage made from it called 'bhang'.  Hmm, I should migrate to India :)

So you and anup could also investigate this and see how it goes. Bear in mind that the ratio between THC & CBD varies from species to species.  The one found in India is Cannabis indica while in western countries it is C. sativa. C. indica is higher in CBD and so is less psychoactive.  I am talking about ingestion and not about smoking and vaping.

You mentioned 'psychomatic' in your post. Did you mean 'psychoactive' instead?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

LOL you should come back to india and if you want 'Bhang' then settle min UP or Madhya Pradesh.In both states Bhang is legal.You will find many Govt Shops selling Bhang.

There is little difference between Bhang and Ganja... here is link

Further there is one more thing from same line... called Khas khas.Poppy seeds....

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

opium is derived from khas khas plant. But khas khas used in spices, sweets etc. itself is not intoxicating ... :-)

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale is.....just soak khas khas over night in water....moring make a nice paste and mix it with milk...drink full two glass and then

khas khas milk is base for making 'Thandai'

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

They add bhaang to thandai in Ujjain, Varanasi to make it intoxicating ... I used to have thandai regularly during summers, never felt intoxicated :)

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

Hmmmm Khas khas is mild....not as strong as bhang....

In Ujjain if you visit to Sandipani Ashram....Gurukul/School of Lord Krishna....there also u will see 'bhog' of Bhang at 'Shivlaya' situated ashram.

And what to talk about 'Baba Mahankal'

Bam Bam Bhole......

this chant is very common when u hold the 'chilim' to smoke ganja.

in reply tocure

sounds like you have tried it with the chilim. Bam Bam Bhole - I heard this in some bhajan in the context of Shiva, no?

What's 'bhog'?

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to

Bhog or prasad is food partaken by devotees after offering it to a diety.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

one more chant.....

बम  मिटा दे गम….

means say bam bhole and forget all sorrows.

Chilim helps for that..;-)

And in Movie 'Amanush' they say...

Gam ki dawa sharab nahi...gam ki dawa pyar hai....LOLOL

in reply tocure

when the intoxication wears off, the sorrows return.. fool's dream.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

when Intoxication wears out.....again intoxication....simple....

But Amitabh bacchan says.....

 Khili khili hui subah pe hai shabnam ka nasha

 Hawa pe khushbu ka baadal pe hai rimjhim ka nasha

 Kahin suroor hai khushiyon ka kahin gham ka nasha

Even sorrow has got its own nasha/intoxication...


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

That way..'haldiram' selling Thandai as sharbat....

Try that....

in reply tocure

Tempting... fenugreek is sold under the name "haldi" in M'sia. Not sure what haldiram is. Does 'ram' mean 'white' as in the two words 'ram & shyam' w.r.t Tulasi

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to

Haldi = turmeric in some Indian languages. Rama in Sanskrit literally means pleasing, captivating etc. It was very common to suffix Ram in many Hindu male names.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

Come on ..Haldiram is very famous sweet merchant from Nagpur.His products are avilable all over India and in most of super markets in Mumbai and Pune.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

Guruji's thandai from Indore is the best. Patanjali has come up with thandai too. 

in reply tojingale

This Patanjali - is this the ayurvedic company that produces a whole range of products? I came across some of the products under this name just a few days ago in a shop that I have never seen before - kind of hidden in some corner of a street. I bought a few things produced by this Patanjali entity. I wish they don't add sodium benzoate - many products from India and Malaysia contain this additive which  is cancer causing.

in reply tojingale

never? It means you have a strong, steady mind, one that doesn't vacillate like a yo-yo.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to

Lol. I have not achieved equanimity of mind. What I meant was that I have never felt high on eating preparations made from khas khas. :)

in reply tojingale

I'll get a pack of that Khas2 the next time I pop into the supermarket round the corner.  I came across blue colored or tinted ones - pretty but odd-colored - hope it's some added dye. In the rural areas of the country, some restaurants would spread ganja leaves over huge pots of cooked rice to attract customers ...

in reply tojingale

Khas2 can be bought in any supermarket and there is a lot of confusion as to whether it is psychoactive or not. Just a few days ago, some govt officers raided some bakery claiming that khas2 has been illegally added to the baked goods and that according to their lab analysis, the baked goods were found to contain opiates.  In the next day or two that followed, the whole thing got mysteriously defused. No more arrests and no more charges.  Bizarre.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

The khas khas what we get outside Madhya Pradesh and UP is boiled one....when they harvest Khas khas from Poppy plant they boil no one could grow poppy plants again from those seeds out side area.

In boiling process lots of benefits are lost....

Try chewing fresh khas tastes so good...

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

Krishna kadamb...mitragyana parvofolia is safe..... is legal and available all over India...

Ofcoz hemp/ganja/bhang are also legal and available in India.....

LOL but then why diabetes is growing in India???

Guess we Indians are blessed...

in reply tocure

Why... I think there is a reason ... perhaps a separate post for this when the time is ripe.  I look at it as something positive... basically change, earth shift, moving into a new spiritual paradigm.  You can easily infer from what I have written.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to


in reply tocure

Do keep me posted re Krishna Kadamb, when it becomes available.  I am wondering whether the dried leaves are already available and sold in some place. Thanks. 

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

it is available in India everywhere....In Marathi it is called kaim....

It is there in Kerala even....

If u want dried leaves...ok I will give u....

but wait till 14 jan 2017.

I am already experimenting on same...if it helps...sure i will make it available for u

in reply tocure

wonderful - thanks for the kind thought. Do you infuse the leaves to make tea?

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

A person from Rajasthan claimed to cure DMT2 using alkaloids derived from Kadamba -

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

yeah...The person is no more....I spoke to his sons over telephone.....

They are not responding well.

But u can try urself....

Kaim is safe to consume.You can do some internet research about toxicity of mitragyana parvofolia

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

I spoke with his son on phone, he refused to share any info. He is looking for somebody to sponsor clinical trials for the medicine.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

Hmmm I know....But you can experiment on ur own

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

Where can I get those alkaloids? And how are they taken?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

No can find out tree...where are you from???

Further you may search on net about pankaj oundhia on chattisgarh tribal further.

Also there are many other research papers on net about mitragyana.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

I live in Hyderabad. Don't know any good herbal medicine expert here.

How are you experimenting with it?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

Plz calm down of today there is no known cure for diabetes.

Plz ask itself how this will lead to cure...

Will it regenrate beta cells.

Or make you more inslulin sensitive ...or improve leptin signalling.

We don't know...

So keep calm..let me experiment.. I will sure share my experience.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

Sure Cure ji :-)

Will wait for your experiences, from this experiment, and experiment with New Castle reversal plan. Will try to accompany you to urali kanchan, if your stay there is planned in July-August this year. :-)

in reply tojingale

jingale, try the Newcastle reversal plan first. I am doing that myself - seems to produce good results - my BG so far has dropped 140.4 mg/dl in 12 days. My target is 12 weeks and I still ten more weeks to go. Diet intervention should be the first and primary strategy.  Add supplements like Kadamb to augment or speed up the process.

in reply tojingale

jingale, have you tried this:

Hyderabad: An anti-diabetes herbal drug that costs Rs.5 per pill, developed by two Lucknow-based Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) laboratories, has been launched in parts of north India.

The drug, branded BGR-34, is a combination of natural extracts derived from four plant species mentioned in ancient Ayurveda texts. The drug available in the form of a 500 milligram (mg) pill is a twice-a-day treatment for patients suffering from type-2 diabetes.

More stuff from Hyderabad:

in reply tojingale

Just infuse the leaves for tea and see if it works. I do that jackfruit and mulberry leaves. I have no idea if it works or not but no harm done for trying.

cure profile image

Between.....Donkey milk should be consumed fresh without boiling 'Dharoshna'....and if u try to store gets spoiled in 10/15 mts.

I seen those tribal in my home town in my childhood...selling donkey milk....never tried....and it helps in asthama and TB

suramo profile image


very true. Well said. But few facts for camel milk

1) not easily available 

2) costs 60-80/l. So good chances that you will not get pure camel milk. But adultrated.

3) can't be stored longer. As per my knowledge should be consumed within 2-4 hours of milking.

4) to be taken in large quantities. Half to one litre twice daily.

5) paneer i don't know but can't make curd out of it

6) taste. Very poor unless fortified.

I tried it for few days but gave up. Don't know if it had any effect on my sugar but so many hurdles. I gave up.

I don't know how packaging of camel milk can be done.

Please correct me if i'm wrong.

cure profile image

I doubt if it has got any effect on blood sugar....

If there is even hint.....then there must be some mention about this in Ayurveda.


Check these out - the milk is packaged in milk cartons and also convenient sachets - powder form. There is even chocolate and ice cream made with camel milk



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