if we eat only lentils,nuts,sprouts,fruits,protein powder,vegetables,soups and vegetable juices is it enough to maintain the bs levels.no milk and milk products since i am a vegan.members opinion please.
according to lchf if we stop carbohydrates ... - Diabetes India
according to lchf if we stop carbohydrates completely how do we get our daily dose of carbs.

LCHF is not about completely avoiding carbs but restricting it.
In the absence of dietary glucose, body can make required glucose from protein and glycerol through gluconeogenesis.
What are your BS levels?
Vegans have more tendency for B12 deficiency.
Agree with Anup, but really there is a lot of information out there and it's indicative that your research lacks by your phrasing.
LCHF is low carb High fats.
So if no or low carb is taken then it has to be balanced by high fats
First of all I DO NOT follow a LCHF diet but I have read about it. I have always been a vegetarian and been a vegan for the last 4-5 months. I don't agree with the statements like "vegan and lchf and vegan dont go hand in hand". Carbs, fats and proteins come from animal sources as well as plant sources.
To answer your question, one cannot and should not avoid carbs all together. For diabetics it is important to stick to the complex carbs with a low glycemic index. Lentils and vegetables have carbs as well as proteins. Fruits have fructose which is another form of sugar (carb). If you prepare lentils e.g. chana masala, eat more of it by itself as opposed to eating it with roti/ rice etc. The Indian culture is high and heavy on carbs and unfortunately most of it is centered around processed and refined carbs.
What you say is what the ADA recommendation of diabetic diet consists of
This leads to constant increasing medications year after year.
Research is not coming in on the benefits of low carb diets.
India diet being high in carbs and hence our pre disposition towards diabetes and cardiovascular ailments.
And we blame it on genes.
Since I shifted to LCHF diet I see lower or no spikes of blood sugar post meals.
My HBA1C is also at 5.2. Which is lower than many non diabetics.

yes ..you are right...in any part of India wheat/rice or say grain secure a high portion daily in diet and thats why its tough to control blood sugar in long term with traditional indian mind set wrt diet.
When you make a statement like "vegan and LCHF don't go hand in hand" it implies that it is impossible to be a vegan and follow a LCHF diet. I disagree with that. Many people fail to control diabetes and happen to be a vegan, probably because of poor eating habits. Of course low or high GI does make a difference but so does the overall makeup of ones diet.
I know you mean well and you have a personal success story by following a LCHF diet. However even on a LCHF diet the percentage of fat/ protein/ carbs needs to be tailored according to each individual. There is not one single magic ratio that fits every one the best.
Also our forefathers have used the whole grains.
And we use refined rice and maida.
All these refined food puts load on our pancreas.
Also sugar is now used in place of jaggery.
Stress has increases which increases cortisol which in turn affects the system
Also fresh vegetables not available. Instead pesticides laced is available.
Pollution is another factor.
and above all easy access to sugar loaded snacks like fruits juice, candies , confectioneries, indian sweets.These are more affordable compared to our childhood days and pancreas is suffering for higher standard of living
and physical labor is also reduced as the standard of living rose , we can afford more servants and then era of internet, laptops and smart phones is forcing people like us spend more time sitting in front of computer
rather than go out and socialize our neighbors and relatives everyday:):)(which increases happiness hormones....countries where people socialize more ...have more happy and healthy people with higher life expectancy.
It seems we have adapted to modern age in wrong way:) so our children :)