Recently I heard that some Ayurvedic medicine i.e. BRG 34 is introduced in Northern Part of India. Can anybody tell me whether it's safe to consume ?
BRG 34: Recently I heard that some Ayurvedic... - Diabetes India
BRG 34

I have been started BGR34 from 15.1.16 . I feel fresh but yet BSL is not controlled. I will try for 03 months.
I have used this for a month. I don't see any visible improvement but no side effect
I am using it for last 40 days in addition to my other diabetes medication. No significant effect till now. Maybe at 10 to 20 points drop in Blook Sugar level. It will be known only after test of Hba1c.
The tablet is introduced by none other than CSIR after extensive clinical study and research. Hence, its safety in consumption is beyond doubt. The effect of the tablets have been found promising. For the last 2 months I am taking this tablets and found considerable reduction in sugar levels.
Thanks for your quick response. Has any Dr. recommended you BRG 34 ? How do you take it, i mean before breakfast ? What was your blood sugar level before and after starting consuming BRG 34 ?
Pl respond.
I am taking on my own. Taking 2 tablets each before breakfast and dinner.
No. any Dr.recommended me take to BGR 34. I saw the ad and take this tablet for use. I take one tablet in morning 30 Minuts before breakfast and 1 tab.30 Minuts before dinner. my sugar lavel is Fasting 120 and after meal 136. But I use regular same condition to use elopathic medicin Glimistar PM2 1X2 = 2 Teb.
I'm using it from last 2 months, it's effective in controlling the effects of diabetes.
BGR 34 is an ayurvedic medicine developed by CSIR Lucknow which is a govt of India undertaking . It does not have any side effects. I am taking it besides my regular allopathic medicines.
I have consulted my doc
Its not is BGR34 and I have been using for the last 10 days. It is developed by
CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), India.
I found it to be very very cost effective and excellent result. Please take this in addition to the regular medicine that you are using for Type II diabetic.
I got it through online portal and the cost is Rs.500/- for 100 tabs. I am taking this on empty stomach in the morning and before 30 minutes dinner. I strongly recommend this medicine. You will get full information on the packet. It was delivered in a week's time at my residence.
First of all BGR 34 is an ayurveda medicine, needs some time as medicine to be slow and steady. some of user started using BGR 34 very recently. BEST THING IS IT NOT HAVE SIDE EFFECT.
i am also, planning to take this medicine.
thanks for views
I am taking BRG -34 far last 20 days it curtail the side effect of Diabetes