Sugar Free sugar taste more sugarish than normal sugar. Is this typical of a diabetic?
Sugar Taste: Sugar Free sugar taste more... - Diabetes India
Sugar Taste

If I understand do you mean that "sugar free" sweeteners taste sweeter than normal sugar? And you are asking if this is typical in diabetics?
It has nothing to do with a person being diabetic or not. Artificial sweeteners and even ones like sucralose which are sugar free sweeteners taste sweeter than sugar itself. Some tend to have an after taste which is very typical as well.
Yes Shaip you gut my question right. Thanks again
Do not believe in sugar free items.Long ago,I ate sugar free Chavayan Prash of reputed brand and shocked much that my blood sugar level was changed drastically.Try to control your taste of sweetness to make your life sweeter.
Are you serious? May be that chywanprash was not sugar free.. Because i eat sugar free ice-cream and i don't feel any problem in my body.
I am very serious (not serious only) as it is a matter of health.It was written on the box-Sugar Free.At that time,I planned to go to consumer forum after having a lab test of that chavyanprash.But my wife told to me-"It is better to bear the shoes than covering all the roads with carpet".I understood-its meaning,dropped the idea of going consumer forum and then I made her agreed to use remaining stock alone as she is not diabetic.
In general,most of the people do not notice at own slight variation in blood sugar level most of the time.That is why we go far blood sugar test either in a lab or at home, using a glucometer.
If you are diabetic then this is my advice to you (however,you have not asked me for it)-
"Avoid sweets in life to make the life more sweeter".
Thank you so much for your advice.. I'll try to control but now i am 23 .. My whole life without chocolates ice-creams fruits.. I just cant imagine.. Actually i even don't want to imagine
You are welcome!
Yes!It is difficult but not impossible for a bravegirl.Is not it?
However,you may take sugar free sweets occasionally but in very small quantity.Never make it a habit.Rememeber-first we make our habits and then habits make us.
Do you know?
If a diabetic person take proper care of his diet,life style and medicines (if he/she takes any) then his life expectancy will be more than non-diabetic persons.
So take care of these things and enjoy a longer life.
Life is not made of worries only.It has all colors.Think positive!
At last,I am wishing to you a healthier and happier life!
Awww That is so sweet of you... Thank-you so much for your concern. And yes My dad says "I am a brave girl, and I am independent i can live my life the way i want" And I believe in this..!! We Live to eat, Not eat to live. I am feeling much better now and optimistic too..
Wishing you too a happy life
You are very welcome. I am trying to keep the use of sugar free sweeteners to a minimum but personally I find sucralose to almost have no after taste. I do use stevia as well but most stevia extract is mixed with dextrose and stevia does have a distinct flavor to it which imparts a different taste to the food you eat.
Sugar free sugar have no moisture content and more sweet gram to gram. I would suggest avoid them like plague. They play havoc with the good bacterium and other friendly organisms in our system. Try Stevia leaf based sugars they are slightly better
If it is must you have, have very little normal sugar. I have tried 'Diabliss' natural sugar Seems to be okay if you use only now and then and not regularly.
Most of the things expressed above are correct.Try not to take any artificial sweetner even icecream..Try not to make a habit. Occasional taking say once in some function is o.k. Thanks to every body