Please let me know, is Sugar Free harmful for Diabetics Patient ??
Please let me know, is Sugar Free harmful ... - Diabetes India
Please let me know, is Sugar Free harmful for Diabetics Patient ??
Artificial sweeteners (aspartem, sucralose etc.)are harmful to the health. You can use natural sweetener like stevia without any side effects.
How is stevia in appearance?From where I can get stevia?
There are some web sites which sell pure stevia and its color is green; however, there are brands which elaborate stevia with some other elements and is snow white and in a powder form. You might find it in a Health Food Store. Costco (if you live in the US) store has one which is a blend of stevia and other fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, etc. and is called Truvia ( better than those artificial sweeteners such as Splenda, etc. ).
Different opinions about this.
stevia is not good no sweet bad taste after use.
Sugar free sweeteners are made in the lab and are NOT natural. The Swedish have conduced studies in those sweeteners such as Splenda, etc. and have found detrimental effects in people such as cancer. My advise to you and everybody else is to use instead pure Stevia (Estevia) which is 100% natural and 100 times sweeter than sugar and hence a tiny spoon which comes inside the bottle of certain brands is enough to sweeten the coffee, tea, etc. Avoid any kind of sugar and that includes fruits which some of them have as much as 22 grams of sugar in one serving. The fruit with less sugar is apple with only 4 grams for a medium side apple. The habitat of Stevia is Paraguay in South America. Remember: if you are diabetic, do not and I repeat do not use sugar, salt, and cholesterol. Indulge with veggies and intake lots of fiber (40 to 60 grams daily).