Is honey harmful for diabetic person ? - Diabetes India
Is honey harmful for diabetic person ?

Obviously harmful,as it containts high amt.of sugar.
No, honey is not harmfull bit medrcine for Diabetes. Folloing point should be nored using joney.
1. Honey sjpild be original/ genuine. assure it otherwise dont take.
2. Take it morning 2 tsp honey in a glass of water and mix lemon in it.
3. Never take honey in between two meals.
Glucose found in sugar is far different from general sugar/Glucose.
As far as honey is concerned, it comes from the nectar of flowers and regurgitated through the alimentary canal of the honeybee. It contains fructose and sucrose. Therefore as far as food value is concerned it is like sugar water with some flavors etc.
Honey is a concentrated form of sugar.The type of sugars it contains are easily absorbed in the system.Please treat sugar and honey as more or less same products.Extreme moderation is advisable.
honey generally is not genuine. It has more sugar content. One has to be careful.
Who i9s right? what is the conclusion?
Diabetics should avoid honey is the final conclusion
Take pure honey from Forver Living Product it pure honey all honey r contamined contact 9029011671, pls visit for dibetic 100% cure and then call me
honey contain more sugers try to avoid tose who are gtt they can take cautious chek after 2 houres it should come down 140 mg dl
Honey has mor calories . 1 tsp has 65 cal. compared to 1tsp. of table sugar which is 25 cal. it has more carbs. also.
Granulated Sugar
1 teaspoon
4 Carbs
1 Tablespoon
Please don't go into the trap of consuming honey instead of sugar .you end up with very high sugar levels.
Carbohydrates differ in their degree of sweetness, and complex carbohydrates, such as starches, while being the least sweet, are the best for your body. Carbs ranked from most sweet to least sweet are:
fructose sugar (fruits, fruit concentrate)
table sugar (sucrose)
complex carbohydrates (starches)
Complex carbs taste less sweet because, being a larger molecule, they don't fit as easily into the sweet receptors of the taste buds as do the more simple sugars.