I am new here. I like to know in detail how long wheat (LW) is used.
Usage of long wheat: I am new here. I like to... - Diabetes India
Usage of long wheat

On this page,click on Diabetes India,go to Find a member and search for Shooergeorge.He has posted extensively on the subject based on data derived from his own experience.After going through his posts,you may come back here for any further clarifications.Just for information,I am on long wheat and getting good results.
What were your last FBS & PPBS and from how long are you taking LWMDR?
My last lab test was on 28062015.FBS-117 PPBS--113
Thanks for your reply!Your BS seems to be almost normal.Is not it?How long have gone through LWMDR?
It is normal because I am also on insulin,I started LW breakfast from April 15 on wards.Seeing the good results,I started LW for lunch also from July 15 on wards.Overall,I think it has made a lot of difference.
It is good to know that you feel better!Is there any change in dose of insulin?Do you go through exercises and yoga?
My morning insulin dose was reduced from 20 to 16 units on 28th June.Evening dose of 10 units remain,as also Jalra 50/500.I walk regularly and started recently kapalabhati and anuloma/viloma for about 20 minutes in the morning.Idea is to reduce dependence on medicines as diabetes gets worse as age advances and now I am running 74.
You will get same or even better results with beans soaked/sprouted/cooked. You can try with chana or mung.
I myself can consume 80-100 sprouted and cooked chana and get PPBS less that 110
But I take these meals under LCHF diet means restrict carbs to 100-120 gm for a day.
At what time beans should be taken?
I mostly take for breakfast. But one can take for lunch or dinner also as per individual tolerance level.
I wanted to know availability of long wheat in Delhi/Ghaziabad Area. Anyone who is aware kindly inform me on my mobile No- +919811912676 or mail me or send msg on whats app .

Shootergeorge seems to have deleted his profile.To access his article,please open the link below: