how to improve my erectile, i am a diabetic, and i take gluconorm sr 500 daily once, my doctor suggested penegra for erection, havent used it yet, but otherwise performance is dismal pls advise
vinod: how to improve my erectile, i am a... - Diabetes India

You have to resort to Ayurveda only to achieve filling of your cavernous spaces without side effects. You have to adopt a special technique of penile massage with chosen classical herbal oil and follow covering penis with inverted betel leaf for opening up spaces and capillary level circulation is enhanced. Oral administration of some classical Ayurveda medicines under 'vrishya' category gives all which is needed for satisfying sexual act for both the partners. But do not ignore pre - requisites like Bowel cleansing, Samagni i.e. normal appetite and metabolism etc to achieve the maximum. Food protocol commensurate with 'Vajikaran chikitsa' i.e. Aphrodisiacs is necessary. Ideally seven weeks are needed after pre requisites, to nourish all the seven Dhatus ( elements) viz. Rasa, Rakta, Maansa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Shukra... the last being Semen.
In the absence of these things desired results are not achieved. It's highly scientific.
All the proprietary and OTC products are based on classical only but their efficacy needs to be assessed on pre experience of others while classical are time tested formulae and procedures.
Water melon seeds are good source for erection.
Taking 50 g of water melon seeds is a good source for erection improvement.
Take vitamin nerve up once a day