Hi I am 58yrs old, suffering with diabetes from last 12 yrs. My sugar levels is more than 350 and my foot & Hand burning my medicine is Gluconorm-G 4 forte any one can Suggest me for Doctor
Foot & Hand Burning: Hi I am 58yrs old... - Diabetes India
Foot & Hand Burning

Post your daily diet and current lipid profile.
Which food is carbohydrate..?
Your sugar levels are way too high.To bring it down,you should become thoroughly knowledgeable about diabetes,what is advisable to eat.need for exercising regularly etc.I am giving some general suggestions below based on my 20 years experience as a diabetic.You may consider them and adopt what ever is best for you.
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is a result of the pancreatic gland in
our body either producing little or no insulin or the body has developed resistance to insulin. In both cases,the body cells do not receive the glucose needed for production of energy because insulin is essential for glucose to enter the cells. This results in the blood sugar levels to increase beyond acceptable levels,though your body cells are starved for glucose. This condition is very bad for our well being and over long term may result in severe complications.
Controlling blood sugar levels is a tough job but it is not impossible if you realize that everything is in your own hands. This is so,because though you may get good advise from doctors and dieticians,it is ultimately Y O U that will have to take all the necessary steps to successfully control diabetes.
Diet plays a very important role in managing diabetes. You should reduce intake of foods that are rich in carbohydrates like sweets, rice,wheat,other grains ,potato,beet and other root vegetables rich in starch. You should eat more of vegetables,sprouts,greens and salads that give you lot of fiber,vitamins and minerals. Each meal you take should be smaller but you may have 5 or 6 meals instead 3 meals a day.
Exercise is very important to control diabetes. Daily brisk walking or jogging for at least 40 to 60 minutes is ideal. Such exercise will consume lots of energy and sugar levels come down accordingly.
Mental stress aggravates diabetes. Lead a stress free life by adopting relaxation techniques like music meditation,yoga and breathing exercises.
Consult a diabetologist and get prescribed for medication if necessary and comply with the doctor's advise scrupulously.
Please remember that the most important person in managing your diabetes is Y O U.

Thankyou Sirji
You have truly judged and given very good suggestions.
thats right sir.
u have not told whether it fasting or after food. Please take one teaspood of methi powder daily in the empty stomach in luke warm water. after 15 to 30 minutes u can take coffee or tea. In the evening u can take one tea spoon of Jamun seed powder. after a month ur sugar level will come down. But continue the present allopathic medicine. all the best.
Ya after food Sugar level is 368,At present iam takeing tab Gabaneuron 100,glycomet xr 1gm