having light tiffen in the night daily and drinking more water.
How to manage stomac burning sensation in t... - Diabetes India
How to manage stomac burning sensation in the early morning.

Just brush ur teeth immediately after wake up and eat one marie dia biscuit. Drink water as much as u feel like drinking. This is your starter for the day
Thanks for promt advise and i am doing the same.I want to know why this is happening
At what intervals i should check blood glucose level in one touch glucometer
On an average once a month.
There is no exact std.interval for the same.but one can perform test to check various effects of various foods and other factors on sugar,in any frequency.HbA1c test is the best to check overall management.
I formated one chart at the interval of 3days like this. 1.from bed, 2.before and after11/2hrs breakfast after 3days, 3.before lunch and after lunch after 11/2 hrs, 4.before tiffen and 11/2 hrs after tiffen, 5.before going to bed.this for a month and taking this chart when going to periodical checkup to doctor.i also having checkup HbA1cat hospital every 3 months interval and having a result of 7.3 to 7.6
1.fbs(in morning) 2.before lunch 3.after 2 hrs.of lunch 4.before dinner 5. After 2 hrs of dinner 6. 3AM at night this tests are used to fix or change the dose. Btw ur glycosylated Hb is slight higher. Try to reduce below 6.5
Keep an eye on what to eat. There may be some items(including minimum quantities) which are causing this. Identify for new item which has entered ur food chain. Avoid it and verify if it improves. Avoid out side food which totally filled with chemical substance not known to our bodies. Avoid tea / coffee/ juices outside. Some teas give burning in stomach.Reduce in greens. Ayurvedic Physician may solve ur problem
thank u for the suggestion sir.
Try butter milk in the morning. and see if it helps