Is exercise essential for good diabetes man... - Diabetes India

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Is exercise essential for good diabetes management?

patliputra profile image
44 Replies

Some say it is not,while many say it is a must. If yes quantum and type of excercise with reason and logic, if no ,same applies. Are you ready to participate ?

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patliputra profile image
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44 Replies

I have great faith in exercise as one of the tools for diabetes management.I was originally inspired by a quote from Sushrutha,the great Indian physician who reportedly recommended 'digging a well'or 'breaking stones' as remedies for diabetes. Implicitly,he was recommending physical exercise for diabetes management.That apart,over the last 40 years I found regular walking for about 30 to 40 minutes helps not only in sugar management but also keeps the body in good shape.I prefer walking 40 minute,@ 100 steps a minute making it 4000 steps.I use a meter to count the steps.Swimming is probably the best form of exercise for all ages,shapes and conditions.

Another important piece of knowledge I gained over the years is that diabetes does not aggravate under higher physiological/metabolic activity.That is to say,eat normally but rationally,and exercise adequately.This exercise also helps you to manage your stress levels.

Sedentary life style and obesity are generally attributed to causing diabetes among people who are genetically prone to diabetes.I agree with that and therefore see no reason to question the need for exercise.

Another point I believe in is that diet plays a decisive and predominant role in diabetes management.It is not just what you eat but also more importantly,how much you eat and how you eat.A variety of least processed foods such as dal-roti,subji,curd rice etc.are ideal if taken in moderate portions.

I know,certain learned bloggers on this forum are recommending LCHF diet as a sure shot remedy.Personally,I have no quarrel with that idea and now I am enjoying(in moderate quantities) ghee,butter and eggs unlike earlier times.

But it does not count as LCHF diet.

in reply to

Very good comment from personal expereince by u .Gernerally alking is good for all kind peoples for healthy and diabetic and also oldage persons If not interested in walk the persons may not walk but unnecessary postings is not necessary I am sorry to say that in most of discussions always seen the different opinion from followers of L C H F and others . L C H F followers is free to share their experience and also followed their own system similarily other also

Your comment i sgood one with your expereince I am also having good expereince inwalking and excercise and yoga from last 20 years

I am followed my own diet system I amtakingall tips from allblogs and all magzines and selected which one is suitable for me I am not criticise any system of diet

some of other members alsoin favour of walking and excercise their comment is also good one

in reply to

Above my comments mainly to sri venkataramana whoposted comment about Walking iam missed his name in the arlier above post Soprry for mistake

In short,exercise is mandatory tool to control diabetes,if you regularly check your blood sugar,blood pressure and others required tests,and if they are with in required parameters,there is no question you will be infected by CKD(CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE) ,CVD(CHRONIC VASCULAR DISEASE) etc.etc.

Diet plays a very important role in controlling diabetes,there is no term meaning od LCHF Diet and HCLF Diet,eat in moderation of what you eat.

The patronages of LOW CARBOHYDRATES and HIGH Fat diets are silent on other diseases which will infect you later on. You can be infected with various disease such as Katti Lever,Prostate cancer, eating high fat diet regularly although it may not cause spike in blood glucose. The study being conducted by various persons in laboratories on limited peoples may not prove be beneficial in the long run,as a weapon or machine developed in a factory cannot be commissioned without various field trials and it takes years to gather,just not develop a fictitious software and put in action.


It is FATTY LEVER and not KATTY LEVER term used in my reply.

arorasamrendra profile image

I have experienced that routine walking of 20-30 min helps to bring down sugar level. In fact stress free walking, particularly early in the morning, keeps your pancreas active to yield insulin. Hence it must be ensured that while walking one should keep his stress away from him

Paramuae profile image

I strongly recomend LCHF diet, which i was totally against earlier thinking it will increase LDL and weight, I myself following LCHF for almost 2 months now, Reduced 6 kgs weight, bs readings are perfectly under control. I was suffering from high Triglyceride which use to be always more than 200. i had my lipid profile and HB A1 C test few days back and was surprised that my HBA1C is 5.6 which was 7 plus 3 months earlier. Triglyceride reading is 98 ( first time in many years) LDL is 74 which use to be 100 plus always. My BP is under control too. Ofcourse i walk atleast 30-40 minutes ever day.

I am happy :) want everyone to be happy.

God bless you all.

Paramjit Singh

Paramuae profile image

yes it is true. I am talking on basis of my personal experience . It is upto others whether they believe or not :)

patliputra profile image

If i am right you are referring to Look AHEAD clinical trial.Without going into other details i want to draw attention to the OBJECTIVE .It says, the primary objective of look ahead is to examine,in OVERWEIGHT volunteers with type 2 diabetes, the long term effects of a life style intervention programme DESIGNED to ACHIEVE and MAINTAIN weight loss by decreased calorie intake and increased physical activity.

So, it is apparent the the above quoted reference is out of context.

patliputra profile image

"Long term,regular,strenuous exercise reduces insulin resistance independently of its effects upon muscle mass.This makes you more sensitive to your own insulin and injected insulin.As a result,your insulin gradually becomes more effective at lowering blood sugar.If you inject insulin,your dosage requirement will drop,and fat building effects of large amounts of insulin will like wise drop. In my experience, daily strenuous exercise will, over a period of time,bring about a steady,increased level of insulin sensitivity."

Above lines are quoted from a book named"DIABETES SOLUTION "authored by Dr.Richard K Bernstein,MD,page no. 226,published 2011.

patliputra profile image

Off the track,as usual.

patliputra profile image

You are citing a news paper article. I am giving you the whole original report. I will leave it to readers to decide which is authentic.

patliputra profile image

Somes try to read the original papers before jumping to the conclusions.

patliputra profile image

You are very much confused as to what is strenuous excercise and what is body building exercises.

patliputra profile image

Why are we so sarcastic about each other?

I fully agree with pnchandra.

patliputra profile image

If you follow Dr. Nathan,the please read his concluding remarks carefully. He say choose life style intervention.

What this intervention is , diet and exercise. And we are talking about excercise , here. So you all agree that exercise is essential. For good diabetic management. My point.

patliputra profile image

Now you are taking back the blank cheque given to Dr.Bernstein.

patliputra profile image

In Mahabharata war adharma was committed by both sides..Who started it became immaterial in the end.

patliputra profile image

Thank you. Your comments make me smile. Such immature reaction.

patliputra profile image

Can you tell me the diet ( % of carb,fat,protein ) in that trial?

patliputra profile image

To make and run a site is not,a costly affair.

patliputra profile image

I also hold exactly the same view.

patliputra profile image

So , you are the financial manager.

patliputra profile image

Good to know ,you are a man of financial world. Must be a big shot ,if you write for. NYT.

A person with analytical mind. Very interesting .

I never said anything is factually wrong..I simply said context for which it is quoted is entirely different. This was never for evaluating role of excercise vis a vis diabetes.

patliputra profile image

So you are computer wizard. That is why you write so fast.

patliputra profile image

Only for those , who are ignorant.

yes pnchandra and venkataramana bothof them comment is posted by your actual expereince only not giving links to any other sources and google search links. All links is the only elaborate their ownersand his subordinaters views It not applicable forevery circumstances to every one. This type of expereinced comment is required to this blog as this blog has more than thousands of members.

My expereince also the same as i have from T2 from last 20 years I amnot taking diabeties as series one due to heavy work as usual Doctors then given me tablets as Dianil or Euglucon 2.5 mg This is takenmore than 16 years but due to my heavy work alsoI am spent 2 hours for walking excercise and yoga in early morning Even diet is not properly ( dueto going field work in villages ) but my BS is normal until 2006 Further details i amshared in my previous discussions

As excercise and yoga and walking saved me from Diabeties

This is my personal expereince and opinion I am not propogate or publicity to any members to follow this The interested members may try to do walking excercise or yoga as there will and wish

patliputra profile image

Thanks for sharing personal information .

patliputra profile image

Yes, I think I know your name. I have read about ACCORD study. I also studied Look AHEAD clinical study. But it appears that our perceptions are different.but that is no problem,rather it is very healthy. It always leads to very informative discussions.

gangadharan_nair profile image

Exercise and diet play an important role in the control of diabetes mellitus. (Approximately about 50%). Brisk walking for about 30 minutes daily is enough to reduce excess blood sugar.


ShooterGeorge profile image

Test results indicated that I was diabetic from 2006 onwards & is not diabetic from 2009. I claim that I cured it. In my experience exercise is NOT a must for bringing down blood sugar level to normal range; exercise (also) may be good for that. Logically any work done by a human being (& for that matter any creature that is alive) will expend energy. For generating energy glucose is used. This glucose is taken from the circulating blood. Hence exercise will bring down blood sugar level. Whether this reduction in blood sugar will be sustainable or not will depend on many other factors.

patliputra profile image

It depends on which type of daily work one is doing. If he is a manual labour,skill or unskilled,there is no need for any excercise . But if one is in white collared job then,surely excercise or physical work is essential.

patliputra profile image

Agreed, but in case of a diabetic who is on medication,oral and or insulin,fasting will require a lot of prior thinking and adjustment of doses. Perhaps it may not be possible for most of Indians.

patliputra profile image

I must point out that job of a teacher is not sedentary. You have to take several classes each day and you keep on moving in the class. You also keep on moving from class to class so you know that you are doing a lot of physical work. Many times weight excercise is also part of your job in form of carrying excercise books or answer sheets.

As far as the lady who works in different houses,jharu and poncha entails how much physical work,you know that. Do you still think she requires more physical work ? She may also be doing enough walking ,going from house to house.

patliputra profile image

You are entitled to own a personal opinion,so no comments.

patliputra profile image

Please go to bed and relax. It is getting late. It is not my habit or,desire to convince people. The most I can do is to put my view points in a decent way. I am not worried if one is convinced or not.

patliputra profile image

I have read all about Jenny Ruhl and no comments.

patliputra profile image

A very restless soul,like a volcano. Try to be at peace with yourself.

patliputra profile image

It is not a character or personality analysis. It is simply an attempt to understand the psychological make up of an unknown person through his/ her writings.

By the way it is my hobby.

patliputra profile image

Thanks for suggestion.but I pick up only unique or interesting characters.😀

Once upon a time i. was also very passionate about photography. And took help on net to learn a few finer points of digital photography.

@cscon.. thanku for the wonderful piece of writing. i could not go thry the entire but i got the gist. Me of late on zero grains., (tea nd coffe with sugar there.) and literally shaking off my meds. can say a sort of lchf., not sure in whole but. my b.s is slowly tapering out to 135 from 180 ppbs . by the way i am not into heavy exercise even though i was a modest exercised one. ;). for my age of 51 to go back into form requires loosing good amount of weight approx 15kg overwieight. so lets see. thanks dear once again. and fellow lchfers.


@cscon... after stopping sugar in coffee/tea i am not crossing 136 at any given point of day. the only exception was last 2 days., when bs hit the roof. courtesy uttapas and sugarated coffees. today it dint cross 136 ppbs. fasting i dint check. maybe after a few days i shall check fasting. now looks like i am in a position to 'guess' my sugar level to an accuracy of 15points here and there. even though guesswork is not allowed for blood work.

thank u dear once again.

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