Weight management is a big factor in management of diabetes.Even a few kg reduced improve the assimilation of insulin.For the benefit of everbody I give below the standard weight as per the height.
height. male. female
4'10. 51.5. 48.5
4'11. 53.8. 50.3
5.0. 54.4. 52.5
5.1. 53.3. 54.1
5.2. 60.3. 56.7
5.3. 61.7. 58.1
5.4. 63.5. 59.9
5.5. 65.3. 61.2
5.6. 66.7. 63,5
5.7. 68.5. 65.3
5.8. 70.8. 66.7
5.9. 72.6. 68.5
5.10. 74.4. 70.3
5.11. 76.2. 71.7
6.00. 78.5. 73.9
Height is given in feet/ inch and weight in Kgs.If your weight is exceeding as per the table,then the time has come to do something.When I was diagnosed as diabetic,my weight was 85 kgsMy height is 5'8 .First thing I did was to bring it down to 70 kgs.Today after 17 years I still keep it to it.