Refreshing our memories about sugar,it's ab... - Diabetes India

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Refreshing our memories about sugar,it's absorption in the body and high blood sugar and low blood sugar.The basics.

patliputra profile image
44 Replies

The food which we eat provide us energy.Food is divided in many groups,but the food which give us energy after digestion,belong to three broad groups,namely, Carbohydrate ,Protein and fat.Sugar belong to carbohydrates called Saccharides .Sugar is mono ,sucrose is di and starch,cellulose and glycogen are all poly saccharides.We eat mainly poly saccharides ,unless we eat too much sugar.

Saccharides start breaking in mouth and ultimately reaches small intestine.Here sugar is absorbed and sent first to Liver.The liver has certain properties.It can reassemble saccharides into polysaccharide called Glycogen,which is storage form of glucose.When blood sugar goes down liver make certain hormones and make glucose from glycogen and send it back to blood circulation.

So from liver glucose goes into general circulation so that cells can utilise it for energy or storage.It is stored mainly in Heart muscles,skeletal muscles and adipose or fat cells.

Here comes the role of pancreas.The presence of sugar in blood is sensed by pancreas which produces a hormone,Insulin.But the problem here is two fold,(1)insulin by itself can not enter cell,so it need some help to enter the cell,so it attaches itself to insulin receptors which are situated on the surface of cell,which take insulin inside the cell. (2)Glucose by itself also can not enter the cell,so it needs a transporter to carry it inside the cell.

Now inside the intestinal cells are glucose transporters,called GLUT4 ,these have to be sent to the cell membrane to bring glucose inside the cell.when insulin gets inside a cell it initiate a complex process which ultimately move glucose transporters to the cell membrane and glucose comes inside the cell,where it can be utilised to get energy.

TO. BE CONTINUED.... .........

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44 Replies

Please inform How much of insulin is produced in the common Man is it any formula is thee ? How much of insuin necessary for the person for healthy ? How body use it Thanks

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Thank you for the questions.It is not possible to answer those questions as blood sugar control is a highly complex process in the body.The amount of insulin produced in a healthy person is continuously changing, depending the age, sex, weight,excercise or physical work,food intake (quantity and quality), stress and psychological make up of the person,etc,etc.

I would also like to point out that evaluation of insulin secretion on the basis of blood samples taken from peripheral vein is very hard.It is because a high proportion of insulin secreted by the pancreas is cleared on first passage through liver.Liver is thus exposed to higher concentration of insulin.Systemic circulation sees lower insulin levels.Then again take into consideration the 6min. Half life of insulin.,insulin storage and various other factors.Even our technique of insulin evaluation is very crude.

Please inform How much of insulin is produced in the common Man is it any formula is thee ? How much of insuin necessary for the person for healthy ? How body use i

Very good answer Thank U very much. As most of diabetic pesons even though they were BF is within 90-100 theirPPBS Became 180200 or s0metime 240 also this isseen personaly from some persons.

ThereforeI asked the question how much oftime taken Blood sugar became normal level after lunch

Yes every persons lunch level health levl is difference. But for diabetic persons what breakfas tis good and how much quantity of breakfast may be taken

For exampleIf Iam south Indian vegitarian my basic food for brakfast and lunch for all purposes is Rice wheat or ragi Therefore for breakfast How much of Iddli/dosa/ chapati/ puri with chutney or sambar or vegitable Palya maybetaken after2 hour ppbs became normal. ( Including t2 tablets taken ? Is it cut down the quantity of breakfast or some protiens like bengal round or moon dalmaybe added ? can u please clarify Thanks

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

As your question relates to normal person ,I have avoided talking about diabetics.

patliputra profile image

Thank you for giving very informative and wonderful answers.I have learnt many things from your posts.Please continue doing that.

Your Answer is OK but so many termsas I explained above even limit of breakfast taken the PPBS is more than 180 and in one case as BF is 98 as that person taken only one cuup of cofee ( may be 100ml ) with very low sugar ) his PPBSafter 2 hours is 198 What isthr reason I did not found . Any reason if found may be please posted. Thanks

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Natraj,the above query can be answered.Let me understand the question first.You want to know why it is that fasting bs remaining normal,ppbs after breakfast ( even it is a single cup of coffee) goes high.Right.

When we wake up in morning after overnight fast,the stored insulin is released in circulation lowering the fasting glucose in blood.We do not know how much insulin in stored .It depends on many factors.One of many is status and integrity of beta cells in pancreas.

Now consider another aspect.Our body is accustomed to a cycle.I am not going into its detail.After several hours of fast,varies with each individual ,liver automatically starts pumping glucose into circulation leading to rise in glucose in blood.This is neutralised by the stored insulin.

But this neutralisation is only temporary,if glucose pumping from liver continues.This can be done only by secondary insulin secretion from pancreas.So if insulin production. Is sluggish or insufficient,blood sugar will not lowered quickly as body stills recons it as a state of fast.

There are many things but those are very technical.I do not know if I have been able to explain or not.Sorry for that.

Byw person concerned is not doing heavy physical excercise after breakfast?

in reply topatliputra

Thank u very much sir as the answer is good Thanks

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Natraj ,may I ask you why are you interested in technical details.Do you belong to medical fraternity ?

Very good answer Thank U very much

Blood sugar cannot depend only issue of overwt or underwt. There r so many overwt. peoples have no Blod sugar ,BP or hear diseases andthey keep their health in normal way I seen so much of them and many of my friends also. And less wt and lein persons were suffering from Blood sugar B P and and Artharites are also seen . The question is why Blodd sugar raises immediately after breakfast . But afterdinnet it may nor raise as fast as breakfast If we test before empthy stomach it is FBS If wetake only cofee it may tested after 2 hours is treated as PPBS. if wetake dinneer or luch after 4 or 5 hours if w etestis is random ? Soevery figure is Important for diabetics. So can u please clarify the persons BS after breakfast to be normal in all the daytime what theprocedure he as to do ......Thanks

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

I am sorry,I could not exactly follow your question.Can you please repeat it.

PATALI PUTRA Blood sugar cannot depend only overweight or underwt or normal wt. It may comes both overwt and obsue pesons similarily to slim persons also. I have seen so many persons obsue persons has no diabities or BP or any diseases living normal health I am seen so many of them is my friends and vice versa .

Now my question is

1 Why blood sugar raises immediately after breakfast ordrink one cup of cofee after empty stomach in previous night.

2 But it may noticed in after lunch it may not increass es much as fasting time.

3 Even empty stomach FBS is normal but after waliknf or fast brisk walking it may raise so fast. Even calorie burns but BS raises Ex empty stoach FBS 93 after drinking 75ml ofcofee going for brisk walk and walking for 2 hours after rest for 30 minute BS shows 143 . U may treat this is what FBS or PPBS singlke cofee may raise so much ?

Ifit happens do u clarify what foodmay taken by persons Blood glucose to be always normal in full day after lbreakfast 2hours and after lunch after 2 hours Thanks

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Thank you for repeating questions. I totally agree with you that all do not suffer from a disease. In USA about 80% of population is obese or over weight,only 10% suffer from diabetes. So it is not always obesity which is responsible .

Returning to the subject of blood sugar,let us understand at the outset that glucose homeostasis even in normal person is a very complicated issue and it can be said that final word is yet to be written. When it comes to diabetes , the issue is so entangled that a single explanation is incomplete,unsatisfactory and not applicable in each and every individual.

In this lead only basic has been touched. We have to delve deeper into the subject to come to a semblance of understanding.

But before it is done, some thing is biting into me.

1. Lead was dead for a few weeks ,why bringing it to life. You could have asked instead questions on separate lead.

2. So specific queries,are you in any way related to medical profession?

3. You must have given some thought on the subject, so what is your take.

If you please clarify .

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to

Why did you walk for 2 hours when FBS was 95? Were you tying to get 70? That will not happen. If you don't eat one meal a day, it will be same as walking for 3 hrs a day.

As for food, switch to LCHF diet. Read the posts of anup who started LCHF movement here on this forum, but now has his own forum for LCHF and diabetes.

If 150 odd could benefit following LCHF here with diabetes history of as long as 20+ years, it shows that it works. However, if you can't count carbs, proteins and fats then it will not be workable.

If you want to learn LCHF, learn from the diabetic gurus who live that lifestyle.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Indiacratus, what is your take on Nataraj questions. I am sure you will come out with some thing to the point and logical.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

These questions have already been answered. What answer do you expect?

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply toshrisamarth

I will be obliged if you repeat that answer .

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply topatliputra

Here is the link to the answer

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply toshrisamarth

How liver dimp is related with post prandial rise in blood sugar. Not covered in that link.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply topatliputra

Never said in that post that rise after PPBS is due to liver dump. I have co-related liver dump to his morning BS level of 143 only.

He has eaten upama for lunch on already high BS levels which raised is BS further.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply toshrisamarth

Thank you.

in reply toshrisamarth


Sri Samarath it may be one of the incident why it causes / However further my blood results and diet I am again posted in separate discussion As KPCL given the link about Liver Dump butthere is no new things these Google searches I am read so much it is onlt the opinion of blog owner and written scripts author . however Concerned may says that experiments done but it is not believable

Further U may clarify if blood sugar for prediabetic patients generally i am tested Fbs for empty stomach from overnight immediately aftertest I take one small cup of cofee. After wards I complete my daily works reading papers etc and bath and takebreakfast it is approximate 2 hours If I tested Home it is 6 Am after takeing coffee and other works I take breakfast at 10 Am and after 2 hours 12 Pm I am tested PPBS

Further i after food taken every 2 hour the test is necessary As Generaly blood glucosenormaly is 160 or within180 as Diabetic specialists say then what is the time fo rrandom test Please comment Thanks

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply toshrisamarth

shrisamarth - I think he asked same coffee and PPBS question 20 days back too in the following thread:

Issue here is he thinks that walking for 2 hrs should bring down his 95 to 70, which is not going to happen. He needs to read a lot about liver dumping and why diabetics cannot handle liver dumps very well due to broken first phase response and also some level of Hepatic Insulin resistance. As it is his diet seems to be high carb so more IR prone.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply toshrisamarth

Humlog gujra wakt to nahin, ki laut ker wapas nahin aa sakte.

shrisamarth profile image

Your extra dump of sugar can not have single answer or solution. Changes is exercise and food are needed. Testing while doing these changes will bring your BS in control.

And this dump is not from coffee but from your glycogen stores.

kcpl profile image

Then please ask your doctor what is liver dump and if that can be the reason. Unless you understand liver dump and how exercise can impact when you are already starting off at 95 this will be difficult to explain. My belief is centered around recent studies.

If meter reads in 90's at least I will never walk 2 Hrs as I know it will lead to higher BS. In fact I will skip walk altogether and If i can keep in the 90's for FBS, I will never walk even for 20 minutes.

in reply tokcpl

SRI KCPL Thanks for ur comment I know something about it can u please answer How liver dump acts in the body of the peson and how it react with blood in persons diabetic and non diabetic ? Further I think most answer given in this discussion Indiacartus Patiliputra Srsisamrath and Your self whether T2 persons or not ? or medical professionals ?

As ur information may tally but something is wrong it may not noticed by me and also anybody cannot believe it is onday fact or other fact/

O K Same coffee question is asked again when the circumstances raised and not clear answer. O K

For answer Iwill make experiement in my own house by doing many tests in intervals I have Onetouch Horizone Glucometer. And after 10days I repeat test and share it with this members

Further I request can u please inform me if possible all of 4 members and also interested other members your age and BMI

If U or diabetic your recent test result

Further donot think otherwise this is only request not for illtreat or any purpose My complete result share in this blog in previous discussion. Thanks

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

Age 49 diabetic since 2 years.

FBS 94 Lab

PPBS 103 Lab

BMI 17.5

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply toshrisamarth

Isn't BMI 17.5 low as per standards ;)

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply tokcpl

I am not bothered about ideal BMI :D

in reply toshrisamarth

Great Are u under wt. further u are healthy in all aspects Thanks for respond. Please give about your height and wt for curiosity if all members at least activ and participating members if they share their wt height Bmi and age it is helpful to all others to maintain it Thanks

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

Though underweight there are no health issues except diabetes. :) I am 5' 10 " and 55kg. Age 49.

dEAR FRIENDS., may i bring this to attention :

There are two research papers with observations .and i thought its worth sharing for us.

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to

Have heard about this. Keep posting such links as it saves time when links are posted.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Himalayas drugs is a pharmaceutical company. This type of researches are sponsored to promote its own products. Members have repeatedly emphasised that these pharma companies are most interested in their business and least interested in public welfare. Such manipulated research papers should be discarded.

patliputra profile image

Please share the observations and not web site.

@pataliputra : Finding it cumbersome to post observtaions in tabulated form. pl.go thru link in between the tables are there abt fbs etc.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Hope some one reads and your effort does not go in vain!!!

And me not rep of Himalayas .,and not in sales either ;)

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to

Keep posting and keep sharing links. And, if we discard all trials by company then we will have no drugs to take. Because all trials of drugs involve the manufacturer also at some stage. That is how Glaxo Smithkline killed many diabetics of heart attack through use of diabetic drugs Avandia as many parts of trials data was hidden/manipulated by GSK.

Finally GSK agreed to pay some $3 billion in settlement charges for drug related fraud which included the diabetic drugs Avandia:

Skeptics with an open mind are best seekers of truth as they say. It's the skepticism against the mainstream that has exposed that every major pharma company has been involved in drug related fraud.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Good to know that that you are not a sales representative. A few in this forum are often found to promote this or that.

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