Also at 10 pm I take insulin lantus. my tablets are gluconorm G2 and Janumet 50/500..what are the side effects?
is metformin harmful ? I take tablet with 5... - Diabetes India
is metformin harmful ? I take tablet with 500 mg metformin before food and another after food with metformin 500 twice a day.

Metformin is safe drug. try control using metformin and lantus. try to avoid glimipride and janumet by following lchf diet, exercise and healty life style.
people already given answer above link. just check out you will get answer
only safe drug for diabetes 1 insulin 2 metformin, metformin is wonderful drug without much side effect, drug is cardio protective ,90% diabetes patient dies due to heart disease rather diabetes complications so your heart is safe with metformin ,recent studies shows metformin help for prolong life because it reduce cell damage
unnibalakrishann: I disagree with all three other replies. Metformin is the safest blood control drug but continuous drugging inhibits natural insulin production. Current thinking is that taking Insulin is better than any of the drugs. Mayo Clinic web site clearly states that BS is manageable through changes in lifestyle inclusive of diet and exercise regimen. My HbA1C was 11.6% on January 11, 2014 and now it is 6.4% WTHOUT ANY DRUGS . . .