Dear Friends, I was contacted by a Stem Cell Therapy clinic (Ree Labs) suggesting to get the treatment for my T1 - Juvenile Daughter(diagnosed with T1 in 2012, when she was 10 years old), Also, we did not preserve the cord blood/cells at birth and for this the clinic suggested that, we can make use of the pulp around the Milk Teeth (luckily she has 2 more milk teeth still intact), Can some one suggest if there has been any progress on this and any studies going on or underwent, also, her BS levels are very alarming, even after very strict diet and Medicine (Humalog mix 25/75 - Morning 34 units and night 36 units) Her last 2 days FBS - 350 and PPBS - 540 (had 2 Dosas). Any help/suggestions appreciated very much.
Type 1 - Juvenile Diabetic...any research o... - Diabetes India
Type 1 - Juvenile Diabetic...any research or study on Stem Cell Therapy

I would be cautious in this matter.I have been studying various reports on this,but no where it is reported that stem cell therapy is approved for treatment.Please check very carefully about the antecedents of the people who are offering to this.I think only specialized and major hospitals can offer this treatment
vinidbachu: The intact milk teeth gives you limited time to make a decision. Though there seems to be no credible reports of stem cell being successful, there is no report of it bring adverse outcomes. A medical center in China has indicated price of US $ 15k - 30k, but I read on the internet < INR 200k and outcome, partial success. Also read that in South America/Mexico benefits obtained by patient reversed after a few months. So essentially, you have to see it as an adventure. (On a humorous note, since the treatment provider wants to use you as guinea pig, how about asking to be paid?)
Best solution is to put her on insulin pump
Thanks a lot to all of you, for taking time and responding. Will try as suggested.