Why Diabetes Is Common In Our Country ? - Diabetes India

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Why Diabetes Is Common In Our Country ?

PRAGNU profile image
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PRAGNU profile image

Normally After 25 Years Of COMMON Age In This Country We In A Run Of Fast Growth Don't Bother Bt Our Life Style Resulting Junk And Irregular Food Consumption , No Exercise/ Walk And Mental Stresses In Work.

To Avoid This Situations Few Very Simple Solutions Are There.

Have At Least 45 Minutes Walk (3 KM) Both In The Morning/Evening, Meditations (YOGA) , And Good And Healthy Food Eating Habits Which Can Be Splite In Four Time ( Once Every Four To Five Hours ) And To Be In The Bed Maximum By 10.30 PM.

Diabetes is not peculiar to our country.Advanced countries like U.S and U.K are in a similar position.Diabetes,like in most countries has exploded in our country also during the past 20 years or so.Main reason is lack of awareness among the public about diabetes due illiteracy or ignorance.Secondly we have started consuming more and more of highly processed and lifestyle products.For example we drink processed and stored orange juice rather than eat an orange.And coke which is a fashion drink contains so much sugar and has no health benefits.Thirdly,with the raising economic status ,people are disinclined to do or look down upon physical work.You do not find many diabetics among farm workers and stone cutters.So,the way our society is progressing .it is no surprise that incidence of of diabetes is rampant.

rsridhar220962 profile image

There is direct correlation between consumption of saturated oil and occurrence of Diabetes. Thanks to our medical professionals who have done extra-ordinary job of promoting Low-fat, Low -Protein, High Carb diets. The moment we changed our so-called life-style to western, we start deviating from nature.

When individual constituents (like HDL-c / Ldl -c / Triglyceride) of cholesterol level are too different, we tend to get diabetes. Added to this we never take plant protein and reduced taking it. Human needs only 22 amino acids which are very much available in plant sources. When start eating animal proteins the variety of amino acids exceeds about 660. These animal proteins are just poison to our body.

Live With Nature ..... For A Quality Life.

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