hi am a nutritionist and ready to share my knowledge with u all pliz feel free am ready to interact
hello people: hi am a nutritionist and... - Diabetes & Hypert...
hello people

Thankyou very much. Will be seeing you here
hello too!!
Hellooo all. I am a medic and want to start a diabetes and hypertension program. it will run in both urban and rural areas. Kindly advice
We surely need such information. Give us tips!
iam diabetic and recently started taking DIAMEL a food supliment which works well on diabetes.With in 3 weeks my diabetes had come to normal 5.8 to 7 after 2 hours of meal.
However I developed some stomach problem and back pain and suspected diamel has any one ever used it ? could it have caused that? otherwise i highly recommend it
Nice to have you on board. Look forward to your contributions.
where are you based?
hi and welcome can u give me more info on diamel please im having dramas with my sugar levels which is not helped by the fact i have D V Tim waiting on surgery for an artery bypass which is 3 months away any advice would be gladly appreciated cheers Ray
I don't have diabetes but have just been warned that my blood sugar level is too high- (6.9) though my BP level is 130/90. unfortunately i don't know anything about diabetes/hypertension etc and trying to understand what it's all about and how to prevent having it. can you help? and what foods should i avoid or eat more to still remain diabetes free.
wel afia i have a little advise for u dear one the answer may be simple but also complex depends on your perception but i wanna believe its to easy.thing is u are consuming high sugar foods like soda,processed non fruit juices n eating a lot of junk foods correct me if am wrong and how is your weight anyway the thing is try to be active and exercise a lot and also try to eat less of junk food and lots of healthy foods this should help lower Ur glucose blood levels thanks.
I am diabetic and hypertension case. Tell me what type of foods I should eat or avoid?
I wagabasimple@yahoo.om
hello mafriend wagabasimple well to me the fact that u are diabetic maens u should reduce foods that are high in carbohydrates in ur diet like potatoes cassava and replace them with protein foods or simple they are cheap consume those with low calorific content like matooke how i guess u must be type 2 diabetic so try to watch ur weight pliz do regular exercise and eat lots of roughages like cabbages,green leafy vegetables fruits,also mushrooms can do u good and reduce the asmount of salt u consume in your diet to check your hypertension alsodo regular exercise under the watch of a fitnesstrainer because u dont need to doin xtra stranious xercise in a short period of time it could be detrimental
Oooh this is good. I have started to alin my diet towards your recommandation. should you discover anything helpful let us know. Keep it up

please i would like to know more about diamel. i have type 2 diabetes but using insulin am really tired of injections please help me what alternative can i use
thanx for asking type 2 diabetes can be managed even with out insulin however u definitely need to be very careful and particulate about wat u eat all the time for ma case i would advise u to pliz reduce eating highly calorific foods like cassava,sweet potatoes and rather substitute them for a more easier to digest foods like rice matooke<bananas> depending on your diet in your country and try to exercise a lot so that the high sugars in the blood are used up.do take plenty of fluids and avoid a sedentary life style.how ever u can also try to used prescribe medicines from the doctor with good knowledge but for me i would advise you to manage it nutrition wise it save on expenses and side effects