Hello, i have been suffering with diabetes for at least 1 month prior to my diagnosis, i am 22 years old, my weight is 75kg, my height is 5.8 inchs, i began to hate diabetes and wish I could do something about it, what should we do? How to reverse my diabetes? If it isn't possible to cure diabetes, how to keep blood my sugar level under control?
How can i cure diabetes?: Hello, i have... - Diabetes & Hypert...
How can i cure diabetes?

Interesting. According to my BMI chart your weight is healthy. That doesn't give you immunity. Have you been offered a care plan by your doctor? With luck diet alone will be ok.
There's a raft of care you should expect. Have a look at what Healthunlocked says or Diabetes UK. There's anecdotal evidence It can be reversed. Better if you're younger - like you. Pretty well the only treatment is reducing your sugar, maybe lose a little weight.
You should really see a health professional though. there are a lot of resources out there. Good Luck.
I second Blue 4949. You should immediately be on a LCHF diet plan. On 2005 I came out of pre-diabetic/ IGT range in 3 weeks. Second time in 2009 I brought A1C of 11.3% to pre-diabetic range with three weeks diet control. Things have been slow in 2014, took me six months to bring A1C score from 11.6% to 6.0%. After reaching 6% I do take 250/500 grams Metformin [Glucophage] before/after non diabetic meal when I go out partying. efar52@gmail.com (Twice I posted the diet plan I used in 2014)
I'm suffering from diabetes for two years now, i have been reading a number of diabetes blogs and articles, i stumbled upon this professional review site about how to manage diabetes effectively, normalize blood sugar naturally, this review site includes several unique programs can be directly related to honest and unbiased reviews: firstgq.com/diabetes-guides... their reviews are real, credible and straight to the point, this program has helped me discover ways to increase my quality of life as a diabetic,
This systems says that it is able to completely reverse diabetes in less than 1 month. i know that diabetes is a chronic disease and can't be completely reversed but you can optimize your quality of life by following better methods, their program really helped me!
I reckon this is type 2 Diabetes. It has come to early to you, normally appears in your 40s. Your BMI is okay but now that you are diabetic you need to shave off a kilo or two. You need to watch your diet and ensure that you consume moderate unprocessed starch foods for your carbs, protein, fibre and lots of fruits. At your young age what will help you control your diabetes is frequent exercises. You need to draw up your exercise program like jogging 3 times week a minimum 6-7 km. the key is you have to do this regularly. With controlled diet you will be okay. Being doing this for the past 11 years and I am fine. Please do not forget to seek the professional help of your Dr. As this is only my person Exprience.
I think we need to know a bit more before we go giving loads of dietary advice etc. It could be that Blue has Type 1. I worked with a young man who was diagnosed type 1 at the age of 24, his pancreas just stopped working altogether and he went on to insulin injections straight away.
Blue's height and weight show that he/she is in the healthy zone but if the pancreas packs up going on an lchf diet will probably be a waste of time. Long term type 1s that I know adjust their insulin to the amount of carbs they eat and although they need to be sensible on portions etc, they just make adjustments during the day. I'm T2 and overweight but with pre-diabetic levels (hoping to be lower at next test in December), however lchf won't work for me because I have gallstones and eating a high fat diet will play havoc with them and as I've not had any problems since they were found 15 years ago (I hadn't had any symptoms, found during an ultrasound for something else!) I'm not going to go down that route.
It would be good if Blue could give us a few more details but at the end of the day they need to take the medical team's advice and join diabetes.org.uk where they will get lots of information and education. Also, they should ask their team to go on an Xpert, Daphne or Desmond course which will educate them in how to live with diabetes.
Hi, I have type 2 diabetes diagnosed eight years ago, followed all the rules at first
lost weight stuck to healthy eating, kept all my check up appointments with the
dr. Everything fine until 12 months ago then my sugar levels turned upside down
overnight fast 165, Insulin has now been added to my medication. I now have to
have a heart ultrasound as I am carrying a lot of fluid in my legs and have had a rapid increase in weight they don't think my ticker is working properly I am really depressed with all of it this is not helping the weight has anybody else been through this?
you need not be disheartened . My aunt is diabetic, high blood pressure , high cholestrol. Infact I am also sometimes having high B.P. . everyone has some or other problem. No need to feel sad about it . you can consult a doctor if you feel comfortable talking to a doctor. There is a website thelifestylediseases.com. There you get personalised consultation from doctor. It is free . I think with such disease you should be in touch with doctor and with a community like this where you can talk to people. enjoy life