my partner is due to have his gallbladder removed, went for a pre op and they said if his hb1c levels are above 69 then surgery can’t happen , his levels are 92 at the moment, asked when they booked the op and the person didn’t know about it , he said it’s still a go ahead but we don’t want to turn up on the day and then not have it done . But I’m worried that he won’t heal properly as he has had wounds for months that haven’t heald
HB1C levels and surgery : my partner is due... - Diabetes Support
HB1C levels and surgery

Hi Fozzy81 An HBA1C of 92 is quite high (diabetes is diagnosed at above 48) so I suggest your partner sees his gp (or diabetes nurse if he already has one) asap. He may need medication and some lifestyle/dietary changes to help bring his blood glucose levels down which in turn will help with healing.
His gp is well aware of this last year it was 150 it is coming down slowly , he was put on new medication last week not sure that they called but they work by urinating the sugar out , seems to be working as his sugars for the last few days have been below 10. That’s good for him as it’s usually in the 20s no matter what he did
so every time someone from hospital called we explained everything , they kept saying as far as they were aware it’s a go a head , goes to the appointment on Thursday , he checks in , they took blood and all that 6 hours later they say they can’t do it due to high sugar levels and that he’s too high risk of infection
Hi Fozzy81,
Sounds like uour having a worrying time ,and very frustrating ,ive noticed myself that i seem to have to do the checking ans re checking with things like this , but i wanted to say im type 2 also and my levels were high at one point for 2 years ,but i kept being told ,i wasnt diabetic ,even when i was near collapseing ,anyway turned out i have a blood disorder called (not sure of spelling )Thelmasema,i hope you can work with that it basically means that my red blood cells die too quickly and that makes the usual blood test for diabetes worthless.
he now has to wait till November for another hb1c blood test his doctor is working with him to get the levels down