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Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for January 2012

On Self Pity

This Blogsite is a good venue for displaying emotions. Every time I come to this...
Joealt profile image

I am planning on filing for total disability this year. Does anyone have any advice on the process and is it hard to get for PD?

harding55 profile image

PARTY !!! Things to do before the big night

Before the Party Getting Things Ready •You can do things like vacuumin...
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Hello fellow parkies, well the weekend is finally here YAY!! It`s time to Parta...
AndyC profile image


Here in the uk the maximum L-DOPA tablets is 8 per day which I am on. I spend...
export profile image

i get pains like electric shocks starting inmy toes dos anyone else have this also when itake my am meds all my pd symptoms kick off

daveyno9 profile image

How do I ask for help?

Hello, there- I have many friends throughout the world, and I cherish their s...
Gansbru profile image

How do you find people react to you when you tell them you have pd I had a very mixed reaction

Hidden profile image

What's life if you can't laugh? Just being goofy.

I'm known to be a mover and a shaker in the PD community. Every time I feel down...
Jerebet profile image

Has anyone had a 'frozen shoulder' ages before diagnosis of PD?

Sorry its me again!! A long time before being diagnosed with PD I was diagnos...
Court profile image

Blowing Away Cobwebs

So the training is done. Over Christmas and New Year the final two hills in my p...

Free on line Magazine "Neurology Now"

I first read this mag in print several years ago at my Neurologist's office . I...

I get periods of what I call the dropsys, where I keep dropping things, it comes for a few days & gos-Is this a PD thing?

weird [art is Im able to do fine brush work when painting..
dubdiva profile image

When do I know if I have Parkinsons. Wondering if its 'in my head' due to 'survivor guilt' (lost parents this year younger sister in 2006

Im 51 & was diagnosed 10 years ago w/ benign chronic tremor(which I had all my l...
dubdiva profile image

Its Offical Party night this Sat at 8pm where ever you are

This Party thing could take off , dress code is casual , post a pic and tell us ...
Hidden profile image

Requip Night shift 2nd night

Now been awake a straight 24 hrs and still dont feel like sleeping, i wish i was...
Hidden profile image

Who that says that I have Parkinson's but it doesnt have me full of it because it sure has me and I F###in hate it

It has taken everything from me I've had since I was 38 yrs . It took my job awa...
Hidden profile image

I always cared. I still hope. Go to blog for content. Thanks.
Anemone profile image

Does anybody have problems keeping weight on?

Markus profile image

Jamie Heywood, his brother Stephen, Born Slippy by Underworld and me....

Firstly I must point out that Jamie and his family are not knowingly related to ...
Hidden profile image

I am harving horrible neck pains, even into my shoulderblade. Does anyone else have this problem? I am 54 andhad PD for 5 years.

lmacquinn profile image

My New Job

Some time ago the thought popped into my head that having Parkinson's is a bit l...
Cerelia profile image

I am Inspired

I want to share a short video of an artists life with Parkinsons. Often po...
Hikoi profile image

Has anyone else used Tai Chi and/or meditation to control their symptoms ?

I've been practicing Tai Chi now for 18months along with meditation (last 6month...
Helshubby profile image

Do others find that stress affects their PD?

I know it does but last night was a prime example. After a pretty good day got a...
Court profile image


Hey all parkie family ypu are all doing well
plowgirl profile image

The Night Shift On Requip

Well its that time of the night again , went to bed at 11.30 pm and guese what b...
Hidden profile image

October 5th, 2011 - THAT day.

What a great community! I'm excited to share this with my dad who has PD. If...
OCT511 profile image

I'm 10 years into this disease and dystonia has moved into my facial muscles. I'm having eye problems now. Double vision, dystonia in eyes

My eyes get heavy and stiff and i feel the muscles contracting, (but, no pain) ...
Hidden profile image

Requip side effects?

The Dr. added Requip to perhaps bring my ability to write back. It's in additio...
Barb070 profile image