How do you find people react to you when ... - Cure Parkinson's

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How do you find people react to you when you tell them you have pd I had a very mixed reaction

6 Replies
6 Replies
Helshubby profile image

I found when i was working (as a Firefighter) i tried my very best to keep it a secret from my colleagues (although management were aware).When i eventually told someone it was like a weight had been lifted - apparently a few of my colleagues already had an idea but were too polite to ask !!

I finnd people's reactions range from pity to total disbelief (I'm only 46 and was diagnosed at 40).Some people have even got it confused with Alzheimer's and worry that i still recognise them!! However , on the whole , people have tended to be accepting of my condition (apart from my employer,at the end............but thats a whole different story I'll leave for now because it makes me annoyed!!)


in reply to Helshubby

Thankyou for answering my question It still makes me angry when people say to me oh theres nothing wrong with you.I was 50 when I was diagnosed and am 63 now but took early retirement as I worked in a chemist shop and couldnt do certain things.Have you given it much thought as to why you and why or what gave it to you.

Helshubby profile image

because i was in a hazardous profession my consultant said it could be down to anything from a severe bang on the head (playing football-causing concussion) to exposure to toxic chemicals in smoke i may have breathed in during my career - basically he hadn't a clue!

i find it best to not to think about the "why" just think about "now" and live life to its fullest - i still run marathons and can do most things if i put my mind to it - parkinsons just mekes things look awkward sometimes !!

People responded very well. I used my spoken-word poetry to announce and even discuss my dx. My mentor in the poetry biz assures me that using the form to share and emote about our real problems in life is approriate and well within the tradition.

The only really peculiar response was from another poet who wrote that the hand tremor would serve me well as a sort of natural vibrator that would delight my wife. It doesn't work that way, unfortunately.

BTW, regarding the "why me?" question: i just got my 23AndMe genetic testing results (free of charge for parkies). They said that the risk for PD in the general population is 1.6%. And my genetic risk is 85.9%. So I was kinda born for it.

Jerebet profile image

I work in the health care industry so my co workers reaction was"I'm sorry,If I can help you please let me know." My friends just knew ( all health care workers) and never treat me differently. My boyfriend stopped seeing me; no great loss, I'm too good for him anyway.My best friend told me she admires that I'm not angry and that I did not give up or feel sorry for my self.My Family knows better than to pander to me so they didn't really have any reaction except to show up at my door more often. Men I date most usually ask for another date, The ones who don't are not compatible anyway.

As for acquaintances and strangers the reaction range from blank stares to fear or pity. I let my PD flag fly and often wear a PD tee shirt.I hand out flyers. When I see pity I say "Don't feel sorry for me. Write a check to help PD research."

I don't say "Why me?", I say "Why anyone?" and then I push for funds so that some day the disease will be gone.

cowmom27 profile image

I too worked in healthcare and was upfront about my diagnosis.....had 2 ignorant

'bosses make thoughtless comments which if I wanted to make an issue and file discrimination claim to HR I may have won but majority of staff and people I cared for were nothing but supportive.

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