HI when I was on the patches I had real bad dreams , since switching to Ropinirole now i have good dreams some time triply the problem is never know it go to happen. I was told that the patches work on the same part of the brain. My question is my one is nice and one very bad WHY ?
Ropinirple and tripping: HI when I was on... - Cure Parkinson's
Ropinirple and tripping

When I first bread 'tripping' I registered 'falling' but having experienced most ways to 'trip' I can see the point. I have always had good very vivid dreams. I don't always remember the content but the feeling. When I had a breakdown years ago I had 'night terrors' which were like extreme nightmares. Nowadays I have bad dreams, usually with pain &/or meds but still have beautiful ones too. I imagine it's as much down to what's happening in all areas of our lives as it is to PD or meds. Since I cut Requip by half (!6mgs daily - 8) I no longer binge eat but I do get RLS & leg cramps at night. Swings & roundabouts I guess.
YOU SAY since you cut requip ,Do you mean Ropinirole .why you may not be binge eating is this because you can't get to the food. have you also cut your L-dopa by half. if not then do
yours EXPORT
I lost 30 lbs. when I went off requip! yay! I hate the stuff.
Requip...Repinirole.... 2mg - 14mg....... patches........ I've been through the gammit in the last ten years. This product, by whatever name was by far the worst. I would rather (an do) endure RLS that sometimes make me feel I'm winning the Boston Marathon than go back to taking Requip.
Best of luck to those who can tolerate this drug.
DBS has been the best answer to my PD since I was DX'd over a decade ago!
I didn't know what requip was.DO NOW. I take 6mg x 3 =18 mg per day.it was happening once now its twice . wake in a chair after a good dream BUT I can't move it like i am welded
to it.
yours EXPORT .
pelley could you tell me how long each dose last. Have you replace the Requip with more L-Dopa . I take about 12 Ldopa 125mg each plus 18mg of ropinirole. and I have a DBS .
What are you taking ?
yours EXPORT .
I had DBS last summer. I take 1x 12mg Ropinirole ER at 6am, 200mg Comtan 5x a day, and Sinemet 25/100 as follows, 1x at 6am, .5x at 9am, .5x 12n, 1.5x at 3pm, 1.5x at 6pm, and 1x at 9pm. Hope this helps,
Do you take 22 sinemets per day . How many were you taking before your DBS .
yours EXPORT .
I take ropinerole(generic for Requip) 3mg 1x@7AM, .1/2x@10AM, 1x@1PM, 1x@4PM, 1x@7PM and 1x@bedtime. The last dose is to control my RLS and improve the amount of my sleep at night. Can't say I remember any wild dreams, but then I never did remember much about my dreams. I've been taking ropinerole since July of 2009. I also take generic equivalent of Sinemet and Azilect.
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