Any agent orange vets with PD out there? - Cure Parkinson's

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Any agent orange vets with PD out there?

navyrat profile image
41 Replies
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navyrat profile image
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41 Replies
larry33b profile image

Yes, Vietnam 1967-1968. Dx 2000.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to larry33b

Hi larry33b-Welcome home,

Nha Trang 67-68. Our villa took the first opening rounds of the TET Offensive. Dx four years ago, kidney cancer 1 year and growth starting in lung and they told us AO was harmless!!!!!! Are you getting care from VA as I am?

larry33b profile image
larry33b in reply to navyrat

Yes I use the VA and get 90% disability. I was in Saigon during TET.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to larry33b

I am 100% and use VA. What branch were you in? I was Navy but boots on the ground. You have been getting care for PD a long time. How do you feel about VA PD care? You are the first PD Vet that I have met that uses VA. How are you doing-good I hope.

larry33b profile image
larry33b in reply to navyrat

Army Quartermaster officer assigned to the 506th Field Depot in Saigon. I find the VA care good for meds and that's about all. I am in my 13th year with PD and still get around pretty well, although my meds are beginning to let me down.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to larry33b

I am thinking of getting care someplace other than VA for my PD as every time I ask a doctor if they have had any experience with PD they all say very limited if at all but I am reluctant to leave now because of cancer issues which the care is great for that. I might just say the hell with it all and live whats left to the fullest and do what I can with natural alternatives, exercise and a good diet and stay away from doctors but am still learning so I can't yet. Have you had any other health issues from AO exposure?

larry33b profile image
larry33b in reply to navyrat

Do you have medicare? Use the VA for the cancer and the meidare for the PD.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to larry33b

Sounds like a plan. Happy ST Patty Day!

wifeofparky profile image
wifeofparky in reply to navyrat

You can do both. As long as you go to VA for a yearly checkup, you can still see a Movement Disorder Specialist or a neurologist in the private sector.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to wifeofparky

Thanks for info. I would rather not go anywhere but I need to get cancer resolved first as it is impacting my PD so will rely on VA for awhile longer. The hills to climb seem to be getting taller but the sun is warmer the closer you get!!!

fisherman profile image
fisherman in reply to navyrat

Also Nha Trang 67-68. Prostate Cancer, Hearing damaged. Heart problems 80% Disability. VA, once our local VA got into the act. They were great

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to fisherman

Welcome home!!! Our Villa was at the base of the Buddha Statue across from the train station. We started receiving small arms fire at 0003 and 3 mortar hits. We were on the roof of the villa,which was an old hotel) celebrating TET when one of our guys let off a shot at the Buddha and damn if it didn't shoot back then all hell broke loose. What branch and where in Nha Trang? I plan on laying on the beach there one more time before I turn to ash along with the guy who started TET

Offensive early with that dumb shot at the Buddha.

fisherman profile image
fisherman in reply to navyrat

I don't remember the street but our villa was a block from the beach. Had Korean neighboers. We BBQ'd on the beach quite often with the Koreans teaching how and what they BBQ'd. We took a few hits from rifle fire during TET but no one was hurt, just chips out of the villa. I remember the Budda

grayland profile image

yes. thailand. 1972-73. diagnosed 4 years ago.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to grayland

Hi grayland-Welcome home,

Vietnam 67-68.Dx four years for PD 1year for kidney cancer and currently watching a growth develop on lung and they said AO was harmless. Do you use VA for PD care?

grayland profile image

no not yet. I've filed and been rejected. On appeal. They said I showed no signs when

I left service, even though I was 21 years old. They also say they sprayed agent orange

around the perimeter of the base (NKP) but my duties did not expose me to it. I have


grayland profile image

welcome home navyrat

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to grayland

Hang in there. I am sure it was used a lot more than they say. Do you use an NSO to help or are going it alone? How are you doing with PD? If there is anything I can help with let me know.

grayland profile image

I've been doing it alone so far. didn't get much help from the NSO. I have talked to senator sanders and he is going to take it up if I get rejected again. thanks. are you getting cpmpensation?

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to grayland

Hi Grayland,

I am at 100%DA. The VA system is designed to work with an NSO so I would suggest using one. DVA, VVA, VFW, or any other group you might belong to or your state NSO. They have the info you need as they process thousands of similar claims but you still have to be pro-active and stay on top of things even with a NSO. You can find all the info you need on the internet. If they sprayed AO anywhere on base you ended up drinking it in the water which means you showered in it, cooked in it, washed clothes in it unless Uncle Sam imported your water from somewhere else let alone the AO drift from the spraying itself. They screwed up and they need to take responsibility for you and you deserve it so fight for what you deserve and don't be intimidated by the process. How are you doing with your PD and are their any other med issues related to AO?

grayland profile image

Hi Navyrat: I retired from work about a year ago due to pd, tremors and all other signs. The big one was fatigue. Doing better since then but clearly progressing. Overall health is fine although now being checked out for prostate cancer. How are you doing? are you continuing to progress? I'm on 6 doses of levadopa currently and it is clearly helping. I did, by the way, have a physical with the va who did confirm pd. They made no statement there however about ao. Thanks for your concern. Nice to hear of someone successful with va.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to grayland

Happy St Patty day. Fatigue is really starting to get bad. I am on requip and senimet 3 times daily but is not doing the trick and I would rather not increase dosage yet. Things seem to be changing faster now and I think the cancer is impacting the PD. PD is one of the newer AO acknowledged diseases and will automatically get approved for DA with VA. How long ago did you go to VA for physical? Prostrate cancer is another assumed AO disease also. File as soon as you can if results come back positive. (hope not)

grayland profile image

I filed probably a year ago, maybe more. Was rejected and appealed probably 6 months ago. They have a year to respond to appeal, which it looks like they are taking. My service was in thailand not vietnam so not as automatic. They acknowledge the link between pd and ao. They say they sprayed when and where I was at NKP base. They just say I was not exposed. My appeal was along the lines of what you said, you mean the wind did not blow it, it did not seep into the water etc. Waiting for response. To me, the fatigue has been the worst.

Just hard to overcome but I do walk each day and go to the gym. Had no trouble with disability with the feds. Just wish va would come through. Thanks for bringing this up. I need to bug them again. They wear me down.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to grayland

There is a ton of info on the internet to support your claim and more is added everyday so check often. It is not to late to have NSO representation and will take some of the burden off of you and put a personal face on everything which is always nice to have someone to lean on. Just food for thought.

4809cats profile image

Being an old military brat,I have read all your messages and I can tell you that even paying CASH for appointments does not guarantee better treatment. My Neuro doc went to Oxford, bla,bla,bla and I still feel like she should be doing more. I just turned 50, diagnosed at 44. I see her maybe twice a year, pat on the head, see ya in 6 months. SO hang in there! I'd rather my tax dollars go to you guys!! Bang on that door until they hear you!!-4809cats

fishinggirl profile image

My husband is a Vietnam vet and receives all his health care from the VA. He had prostate cancer in 2005 and gets compensation for residual effects from his surgery. He has heart problems but the VA uses the word "probable" in his reports. He is showing signs of Parkinson's(and having Parkinsons I should know), he has tremors, fatigue, chronic constipation, but his primary is not taking it seriously. Working on getting a neurology referral but no luck so far. He has had so many battles with the VA and not ready yet for another. He is 80% SC and 100% unemployabilty P and T. There are lots of sites out there with info for Vietnam VEts. Thank you all for your service! My hubby was in Cu Chi and Tan In (don't know spelling) between Oct 68 and end of 69.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to fishinggirl

Tell your husband welcome home for me and thank you for everything you do for him!!!! Switch primary doctors if he doesn't give your husband a neurology consult. You know more than your doctor as you live with it and understand PD. I understand not wanting to argue with VA but no matter where you go you have to be your own advocate to get what is best for you and him. How are you doing with your PD? I have been researching Ketogenic diet and think I will give it a try as it seems to help both cancer and PD. I don't need to loose weight as I have trouble keeping body mass but it is time to become pro-active. I suppose my VA primary will laugh at me but I have try something different to keep my spirits up. This site has helped with that. Talking to other Vets and PWP's is really great and a great resource as well.


fishinggirl profile image
fishinggirl in reply to navyrat

My husband had his yearly follow-up with his urology PA a few weeks ago and discussed his symptoms and she has set up a neurology appt. for him in 2 weeks. Yeah! Someone that listens to our concerns! I do my best to advocate for him and myself and my 80 year old mom but get tired sometimes. Will be ready for this consult with a medical symptoms diary and records. Now we hopefully will find out what is going on. I'm doing ok with my PD. Will be 6 years in a few months and taking 3 meds, Sinamet, Mirapex, and Amanatine. Just keep on putting one foot in front of the other and go through my day. Getting rid of some stress in my life in the next month or two, should feel better after that because stress increases my symptoms and decreases my sleep!

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to fishinggirl

Hello fishinggirl,

Think of a brook trout sipping in a nice hand tied fly on a nice sun warmed day on your favorite stream when you are stressed!! Mince no words with your husbands neuro doc. Ask the right questions and don't settle for a stand offish answer as they like to give. The Neuro will know if you are informed by your questions and will treat you accordingly. Your diary and records will help him make the proper dx.

Bless you as you certainly have a lot to contend with. I hope you have friends and family to help you out with things. The additional stress you are having will surely affect your own PD and you shouldn't allow that to happen. Don't settle for one foot in front of the other. Change is a great motivator. Maybe a foot to the right or left is in order!!!


silvestrov profile image

To all the Vietnam vets please read the following link:

Neuro Research selected a Vietnam vet from 254 people and this man had been through all the conventional therapies for Parkinson's. They all failed and he did not want to have the Deep Brain Stimulation operation done so Neuro Research put him on a balanced amino acid therapy program and gave him back his life.

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to silvestrov

Hi silvestrov,

Great read. I think there are many alternatives to taking pills out there yet to be tried. I have been researching ketogenic diet and will be starting modified plan in two weeks as it should help both PD and Cancer for me. This site is great, thanks again.


ram927 profile image

Vietnam 70-71 III Corps Cambodia Dx in 07 Have had eye surgery to correct blurry and double vision will meet with VA next week for further increase of benefits but this took a Congressional intervention so hope it works Doctors at VA good but administration a mess I know I ahve it b ut7 others far worse Last six months have seen loss of balance walking talking sight shaking have all increase hopefully VA will get of f tired butts

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to ram927

Welcome home ram927,

Tell your primary you want a neurologist consult for Parkinson's and keep pressing him until he sets you up with it. I hope you don't have it but you need to find out or you will be upset wondering if you have it or not and that only makes things worse. PD does not like stress. Good luck and keep the faith.


ram927 profile image
ram927 in reply to navyrat


I have PD Have seen a neurologist and currently have 30% L and R for a 50% disability. Seeming a rep from compensation and Pension ext week seeing a PA specialist not a doctor but may set up another round of exams but its been a year since my last exam with VA but see my own in private sector thanks

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to ram927


Keep pushing VA for 100% P&T as PD always progressive. PD is getting a lot more attention from VA and was just included in TBI claim as a secondary disease. Good Luck


fishinggirl profile image
fishinggirl in reply to navyrat

What is TBI?

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to fishinggirl

Traumatic Brain Injury-The VA researchers are discovering that a lot of vets who have been exposed to loud noises and percussions are developing PD in higher numbers than general population. Glad the Botox is helping.


fishinggirl profile image
fishinggirl in reply to ram927

Hoping you see a neurologist who is a Movement Disorder Specialist. I just had botox shots for dystonia in my left foot, helped a lot. He attends all the big conferences and is up to date

silvestrov profile image


glad you enjoyed the read. Whether you use pills or not it is always good to know that Parkinson's can be suppressed with non-prescription supplements. I know because I did it - though not through NeuroResearch. And the best news is that the combination of supplements, tyrosine, coq10, magnesium, iodine.........cost me less than 1,000 a year. I joined this site to pass on the info I discovered because I am making a documentary about how I suppressed PD and through my research, I discovered this info. Here is another piece of information you may want to know:

Parkinson's therapy does not get any cheaper!

navyrat profile image
navyrat in reply to silvestrov


Let me know when the documentary is done. Glad to see someone of us think outside the box of big pharma!!! We all need to advocate for ourselves and be proactive instead of reactive and passive. Thanks for passing on what you have learned.


silvestrov profile image
silvestrov in reply to navyrat

When done I will let you know. I have almost finished with background graphics and will start filming soon. The final chapter is real interesting and delves into the possible origins to the disease.



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