I know it has been asked before but has anyone got experiences with LDN (Low dose naltrexone)?
I know it's a controversial subject but I would like to try to take LDN and see if I can titrate down the amount of stalevo I need. I currently take Stalevo (3x125 + 5x100), Azilect and Amantadine (3x100mg capsules) daily. I've only had PD diagnosed for three years (Now 47 then 44) and have been rattling through the meds - Dopamine Agonists really didn't agree with me (I tried every one) I put on 20kg (lost it now), breathing problems and ended up in hospital. I know DBS is down the line but I'd like to try all non-surgical avenues first
There appear to be no interactions with current meds or significant side effects. It seems worth a try. I am aware I may need to pay for it as it may not be approved for this use but would need a prescription to obtain it.
What do you think?
On Parkinson's UK forum:
A Pro-LDN site
A patient's experience (video)
Debate in UK Parliament
Another Forum