Has anybody ever taken senement25/100 wi... - Cure Parkinson's

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Has anybody ever taken senement25/100 with Mirapex at the same time

hawaii profile image
28 Replies
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kenteoth profile image

Yes and the results are not pleasant.....if you have NEVER taken Mirapex.....please stand up very slowly and be prepared collapse....but after being on it a few weeks you will get used to the medicine....but there is a lot of nausea and dizziness with this medicine and if you work (like I do part time) time your medicine accordingly so you don't fall asleep.....

lizza profile image
lizza in reply to kenteoth

I gained 50 pds on it. You will need more and more its awful

ram927 profile image

it is easy take two carbidopa & one Miraplex in the morning and the as needed during the day otherwise I would fall asleep driving I was over medicated so I change to once a day and everything is working out

pomo profile image

I am going to start taking Senemet, and I will insist on getting off Mirapex. The side effects are making it hard to function.

maryalice profile image

I'm om Mirapex now and my doctor wanted to add Sinemet. I haven't had any problems with Mirapex, so I didn't take the Sinemet.. I'm also taking Amanadine. Good luck I know how hard it is to decide to take a new drug.

Pete-1 profile image
Pete-1 in reply to maryalice


Take Sinemet rather than Mirapex, Mirapexin, Pramipexole or Sifrol

Mirapex is a Dopamine agonist. There is only one other. They are easy to start and to keep going - the problem comes when you want to stop taking them - really bad withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes people take a year or so to achieve the withdrawal.

Keep well away. And its not so effective as Levodopa anyway

CUPCAKE8888 profile image

Yes, I take both Sinemet and Mirapex. So far, so good; no problems.

maulparking profile image
maulparking in reply to CUPCAKE8888

still tasking sinemet and mirapex? dosage & frequency?

fishinggirl profile image

Hi, you folks take pretty much what I take. I started with Mirapex, a year later added 25/100, and 3 years later added Amanadine. Need all three now but there is side effects. The mirapex can bring on sudden tiredness and food cravings at night but without it I can only move in slow motion. Amanadine stops my internal tremors, and the Sinamet helps tremors, etc. Mirapex is now 3 times a day, Sinamet-4 and Amanadine 1. I have tried cutting back but then I can't function during the day, even though I'm no employed anymore. I've had Parkinson's for 6 years now. Just started Clonapam for REM sleep disorder but its 4am, not working well yet. I say if you need a drug, take the minimum to start, then add more if needed. Good luck, i know meds work differently for different people.

Pete-1 profile image

I take Madopar rather than Sinemet but that is functionally the same as Sinemet and Mirapex (more commonly known in the UK as Pramipexole). Get bit of orthostatic hypotension i.e. dizzyness upon standing.

If I stop taking the Mirapex, which I have done under suervision over a period of 3 weeks or so then I feel rather unwell - impossible to say in what way but I felt awful AND stopping the Mirapex exposed a PD symptom known as RLS (Restless Leggs Syndrome). This is very disagreable because it generally only starts when you go to bed and relax. Then it starts and the feelings are enough to make sleep impossible. People do get RLS without PD too.

Pete-1 profile image
Pete-1 in reply to Pete-1

I found it quite hard to see what benefit I got from Mirapex but I think it has lessened my bradykinesia and the finger and thumb tapping that your neurologist gets you to do is much improved. Plus one slightly odd thing is that I feel sure I was getting much worse dandruff and that since taking the Mirapex that has gone.

I've always had a tendency to overeat including late night snacks - difficult to tell but I may be indulging more often. This could be coincidence or a real effect from the Mirapex.

Sinemet / Madopar - marvellous. I have a lot of trouble with gait freezing and Madopar allows normal movement. Without Madopar I would be finding it very very difficult to get about possibly needing a wheel chair and would be very restricted in other capabilities too

Madopar allows me to be my normal self. When a tablet wears off I am consumed by the need to concentrate to be able to move without falling. This and other symptoms such as stiffness mean I have too many other things to do regarding myself and PD such that useful activities and interaction with other people are not so easily done.

Annie81963 profile image

Hi,I currently take mirapex 3 times a day,been on it for 2 years with no problems,and I am very thankful for that.Had some nasauea at first,dr prescribed Tagin,works great.

I had stiffness and minor pain at my last visit.dr put me on 25/100 1/2 tablet at first ,now taking full tablet 2 times a day,3 was just too much,tired all day.Hope this helps,everyone reacts differently to drugs and I feel we owe it to ourselves to at least try and see if it works.Who knows it just might life with PD easier!! Good luck

My husband has been on Mirapex for 7 years and Sinemet for 3 years. His movement specialist just recently took him off of the Mirapex but he could barely walk and was having problems with weakness and balance so his Sinemet is slowly being increased to 2 tablets 4x day. He has only been on the increased Sinemet for 3 days now so waiting to see what happens although he is complaining of really bad leg pain on his right side. He has no appetite and tires very easily and has problems sleeping over 2 hrs. at a time. I am hoping the increase in Sinemet will help his walking as the doctor does not want him back on the Mirapex for some reason (his meaness and hallucinations did stop once Mirapex was removed). Hoping things improve for him once he reaches the full dosage of the meds. His disease seems to be rapidly progressing in my opinion.

Peaches profile image

I take both Sinemet and Mirapex and I am doing well with it. My tremor and balance have both improved a great deal. :) I do get tired if I sit down for too long but if I keep going I do just fine.

maulparking profile image
maulparking in reply to Peaches

still taking both sinemet and mirapex? dosage/frequency? thanks

Peaches profile image
Peaches in reply to maulparking

Yes. I take Sinemet tab 25-100 mg . 1 1/2 tabs 4 times a day .

I also take Mirapex 1 mg three times daily.

Kadie57 profile image

I went off of Mirapex and now use a Nuepro 24 hr patch 8 mg, LOVE IT!! I just started taking Sinemet becasue the generitic form Carb. Levo stopped working, Are you having med issue ?? check the generitic form you may be taking, The ins will but up a fuss it took me 3 weeks to get appoved. my problem was the generitic meds would not absorb in my system. FOOD played a huge part in this also, Sugar is a NO NO. Hope this helps, Kadie

nettybear profile image

Yes I am taking the generic of mirapex 1mg 3x aday but I split it in half and the generic of

sinement (cardopoa levodopa)25-100 1 tab 2x a day i am unhappy with this i have spasticisty on my left side i become jerky and i want off the med oh yes I take azilect 1mg and amandatine Im also taking an anti depressent im in the process of looking to go holistic I find myself with ridgidity on the left side and i am tired of all the meds do you or anybody have any suggestions

kk13 profile image

I am 56 yrs old, dx 25 yrs ago. Started on Sinemet immediately. (25 yrs ago, we didn't know a fraction as much as we do now about meds l-dopa, agonists, and so on. There was siniemet and eldepryl and very little else.)

Years later, as PD progressed, I needed more Rx to help with symptoms and side effects, on-off and dyskinesia. I added mirapex to the arsonal and, except for a few mild side effects for a couple of weeks, I was fine with it...and have been ever since. And thats at the maximum suggested dose.

Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of difficulties and my life has been greatly impacted, but the one aspect of combining sinemet and mirapex was not a big deal, at all.

Good luck.

concernedspouse profile image
concernedspouse in reply to kk13

HI kK13,

Do you mind me asking how much and what times you take the Sinemet and Mirapex? My husband is 58 and has had PD for 20 years. He has been taking the generic form of Sinemet for many years but 2 months ago it suddenly stopped working for him that well, and he was having a terrible time. As of this past Friday, he has added Mirapex, and his need for Sinemet has decreased considerably since then. But his nights are worse and he is trying to figure out the best timing between the two medications. Any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated!

maulparking profile image
maulparking in reply to kk13

still taking both sinemet and mirapex? when & how much? thanks

PatV profile image

I quit mirapex cold turkey it made me so sick. My neuro not happy. i did get RLS but I sleep eventually. Should have titrated to the sinimet.

Jenette profile image

I take Sinemet 25/100 every 3 to 3 1/2 hours, and was taking Mirapex twice a day. The goal was to give the Sinemet a boost and minimize the "off" periods. I didn't notice a difference. So, now take same Sinemet dosage, but take Mirapex ER once a day. It does help mad the only side effects a "drunk" feeling about an hour or so after taking Mirapex. I can handle that.

Cerelia profile image

I was diagnosed 11 years ago, started Mirapex 2 or 3 years later, and Sinemet another 3 years later, now also on Amantadine but no real problems, apart from wearing off times, whem I have to be very careful about walking and turning as I easily lose my balance. Everyone is different, you can only find out if something suits you by trying it. The first drug I ever had was Requip which made me very sleepy, so was changed to Mirapex.

Jughead profile image

Yes, I take mirapex with sinamet and have no side effects. I save my mirapex until late after noon or early evening because it is great for restless Leg .

Peaches profile image

Hello. I take both. I have Carbidopa/Levo 25/100 1 1/2 tab 4 times daily. I also take 1 Sinemet 50/200 CR at bedtime. The Pramipexole is 1 mg 3 times daily.

Peaches profile image

I do.

Pete-1 profile image

Yes or rather Madopar, Madopar 25/100 is the same thing except that the larger component is Benseraside (sp?) rather than Carbidopa. Both of these are functionally the same as each other. Mirapexin is often known by it's generic name, Pramipexole.

I have taken this stuff for about 6 or 7 years. Now take as prolonged version. I I don't take the the Pramipexole I get horrible RLS. I get strong RLS twinges from my feet, up to shoulders and down arms. Both sides and quite often every 15 seconds or so? Unable to sleep for days

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