I am 70 years old, had PD over 5 years. Recently, the Sinemet 25/100 only can last 3 hours. My Neuro Doctor prescribed ENTACAPONE 200mg for me. But, other doctor said that will causes my Dyskinesia worse. Besides, I don’t want to take too many med every day. Has anyone ever taken this med? How does it work? Any bad side effect?
Has anyone ever take the med ENTACACPONE? - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone ever take the med ENTACACPONE?

I concur that entacapone smooths out levodopa levels and will help it to last longer. It may allow you to reduce your levodopa dosage and thus reduce risk of dyskinesia.
Dear Thal,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply and detailed advice. Glad to know that ENTACAPONE works well for you! Your three months experience is very helpful. The worry of off-time is a big problem for my social activities. I even cancelled dentist appointments and other doctor’s appointments due to the concerns of my med off-time. I will try ENTACAPONE, hope it will work for me too.
By the way, do you take ENTACAPONE with empty stomach or after food? My stomach is weak, usually could not stand for new med for a while.
Grandsonlover.............I don’t take Entacopone, just wanted to say that you should give new Rx a try. Parkinson's is a very "individual" disease and if one doctor says it could increase dyskinesia, you won't know if it can help you until you give it a try.
You can always tell your doctor it makes you worse and he can adjust dosage. We all have a different variation with this disease and I've found that doctors only know what they were taught in the one size fits all PD book.
Hi Thal,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply. OK, I will take it with food to try.
my husband takes 1/3 tablet 3 times a day with a dose of madopar. He tried 1/2s but it made him a little worse. He’s not tried it at full dose. He doesn’t usually do well with full doses of anything so a bit nervous to increase it.
But I have been told you aren’t supposed to it cut it by others. The doctor doesn’t seem concerned about cutting it.
I’m not sure if it helps, too many variables.
Are you in Thailand?
I was on it but recently discontinued it. I had strange diarrhea the whole time I was on it. Like my food was only partially digested. Im not sure it ever helped extend my on time and there was no difference in that after I quit. I just switched to taking les CL but every 2 hours.
Hi 7springshollow
Thank you very much for the info. Me too, I only had it one day, but, my dystonia got worse.
I had a similar experience with Entacapone - tried it for 2 weeks and found I developed dizziness/less balance, head ache and plugged ears - plus, it didn’t do anything to extend on time - I too am considering smaller CL dosage every 2 hours.
yes i have taken it and it worked pretty well but it caused intestinal distress to the point where I had to stop taking it
I am 70 years old. Diagnosed 10 years ago. I just took this medicine for the first time last month. I took it one day only. I had every side effect written in the pamphlet provided by the pharmacist. Worst night I’ve ever had since been diagnosed. Beware the dyskinesia. was off the charts could barely stay in bed.
the short answer. I was on (8) 25-250 Sinemet about 2 years ago. Now on (8) Sinemet 25-250 + (8) 200 mg Comtan. (Entacapone). And yes Dyskinesia can be brutal at times. More to come when on the desk top. I am 84.
I took Entacapone for several months but quit . At the beginning it gave me 20 extra minutes of ON time. But over a few months dwindled to nothing. Also caused rash on my face.
I took it for a short time and it made my dyskinesia even worse and I started walking backwards. It was a strangest thing. There’s a guy at the gym I go to and he tried it and it worked great for him so I think it’s worth a try. I remember right it doesn’t take long to ween off of it. I did take Gocovri and it worked well but then it was expensive. I’m not sure if the cost has gone down or not. 🥊
I tried Entacapone. It was during the COVID pandemic, and I was acting like I was drunk. I was slurring words and fumbling with a test kit. That was it for me and Entacapone.
i didn't notice any difference. tried for 4 months.
I will say that adding mecuna to a protein shake i drink @2am when i am starving has really helped! trying to keep weight up. i can skip 2 am cl dose and feel good to @ 7am. happier too.