Has anyone received relief your parkinson symptoms by using a TMJ APPLIANCE. I saw a video that looked too good to be true. m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=cXV.... Check this video out. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks

We have a TMD specialist 5 minutes from where we live and we have a dental appt at the end of this month. I will be investigating this and will get info back to all you of as soon as I can.
I am very familiar with the TMJ appliance; I have mined in as I type. First, let me say this appliance is not correcting symptoms of PD, but the symptoms of TMJ. There is increasing evidence that people diagnosed with PD have the likelihood of having TMJ and that proper treatment of this disorder by a qualified dentist can help alleviate the symptoms of the disease. This is NOT a cure for PD. Watching some of those videos I had the same “too good to be true” thoughts; and I’m a registered dental hygienist! I have just submitted an article to a dental magazine about my experience with my appliance; below is just a section, hopefully to explain what takes place.
My own experience; I was diagnosed with PD 2006; my PD is on my right side, hand, arm, shoulder and neck. In 2011 had to give up my career as a clinical hygienist; however still very involved with hygiene. I learned about the appliance through the Parkinson’s Resource Organization. parkinsonsresource.org/dent... on their webpage go to the Wellness Village, (wait for the drop down) and Wellness Specialists check out the dentists. Next, I would advise you to read the newsletters. My appliance was inserted April 19th this year. My hand tremor is better, along with pain, plus I’m sleeping better. Since the early 1980’s I have suffered from vertigo, dizziness and ear pain. In February this year I was referred to an ENT for otitis media. The countless days with pain behind my eyes, not to mention the headaches; my neck and shoulder pain I just presumed was due to PD, since I started PD with a frozen shoulder. Hope this helps, if you have more questions I’ll answer what I know.
Here’s a section of my article.
TMJ is considered the most complex joint in the body because it moves in multiple directions. The mandible is connected to the skull by the TMJ with discs between them. It is a ginglymo-arthrodial joint. A ginglymus joint is a hinge-joint and an arthrodia joint is a gliding joint. The TMJ is the only joint that both hinges and glides. These discs are made of fibrocartilage and play an important role in maintaining good health. These discs not only keep the jawbone from coming into contact with the skull; they keep the jawbone from impinging on the large number of nerves and blood vessels running behind the joint and in front of the ear. When the jaw is misaligned or if the space behind the condyle is lost through anterior displacement of the disk, the condyle will move backwards and pinch the nerve tissue causing inflammation or insult. This affects all aspects of the sensory, proprioceptive, and motor reflexes, subsequently creating a broad array of medical disorders. The Trigeminal Nerve V being a complex and powerful nerve and when insulted its systems are directly altered. A branch of the trigeminal system, the auriculotemporal nerve, passes through the jaw joint behind the small joint disc, this nerve is unusual because it has both motor and sensory capabilities. When the trigeminal nerve is affected, it can cause symptoms such as dizziness and vertigo, ear pain, sensory and motor skills and imbalance.
do you hppen to know if there are any dentists in france or the uk that practice with the TMJ device
I watched several videos and it is amazing. WOW, I wonder if anyone on this site has tried it.
I have a dentist appt to talk to the dentist about the TMJ Appliance. I don't think the dentist is to familiar to this procedure. What would be a good way of explaining this to him. Carlajane you have been awesome with all of your information and advice that you have given everyone on this blog. Wish me luck on my appt on 10/18/12..
Good luck!! before you go; I advise you to go to Dr. Leonard Feld website; read under publications and support artiicles & research articles; print these out and take with you. I believe I would also take the names of the dentists from Parkinson's Resource Organization (my dentist is listed here) Dr. William H. Funk. Since I can no longer be a clinical hygienist, ( a job that I loved) my goal is to take my hygiene knowledge & assist people like me with PD on any procedure or dental product; anything that can make our life’s a little easier. Please let us know about your appointment.
I just came from the dentist office and he told me that I'm a good candidate for the TMJ appliance. He took a scan of my skull and to get a better view.. Going back next Tuesday...can't wait to start....
Great! Did he know about the TMJ & Parkinson connection?Please keep us updated.
Yes, he knows the connection between PD & TMJ. He has one patient on the appliance, and he said that there was some benefits to symptoms. He seemed to be pretty knowledgable about it.
Is this procedures expensive and how do you determine if it will work on an individual. I searched the website and to my surprise, there is no TMJ specialist in South Florida. Is there another to finding a specialist. Thank you for all or any help you've given me.
The price will vary from office to office, can be from $3000-4500. How to determine? Are you having TMJ symptoms? such as neck, shoulder or back pain, bruxism, dizziness, pain behind your eyes, earaches, clicking or popping; My appliance is not the normal type of TMJ appliance. Contact your dentist ;explain the situation maybe he/she could call one of the specialist on the website. My former employer treats TMJ (has for over 30 years) with success, however after watching some of the videos called and actually shadowed one dentist for a day.
No TMJ symptoms, but there is a interview that Robert Rogers (Parkinsons Recovery blog) did with a women who was utilizing a TMJ ortho/appliance for her PD symptoms and did have any of the TMJ symptoms. OK, Thanks again........
I've heard this interview and sounds great! I had no clicking or popping, or the grinding sound, nor pain in the jaw; hope you can find a dentist;, because this is working for me.
Thank you for the information. I saw the video also and was very impressed. I fell on some ice when I was in my early 20s and it caused me to receive a hair line fracture of my left mandible so the information was very interesting.
My questions are: What kind of dentist to you go to to be treated? Do I need a specialist who has been trained in this procedure? Do you know if Medicare or any insurance will cover the cost? How involved is it to make the appliance? Does it take a lot of visits to the dentist? I hope I didn't ask too many questions. Thanks. Blessings!
Yes, in my opinion you need someone who has been trained in TMJ. Honestly, don’t know about insurance or Medicare, sorry. An impression will be taken to make the appliance, which is made out of a type of acrylic, with adjustments as needed. My experience, at first a weekly check for the first month, now about once a month. understand everyone is different. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for your help. I had gotten some information from a dentist in California, but I live on the east coast. I found one in Virginia, but that's still about a 10 hour car ride. I think I'll try to phone or email him. I appreciate your Help very much. Blessings.
Dr. Stack ? If so, I believe you'll like him. My dentist shadow him; still calls him about my case.
Thanks again. Dr. Stack is the doctor that I found. Now I just have to figure out how to arrange it. If I have to be checked every week the first month and then once a month that sort of makes it difficult. But if it helps then it would be worth it.
Call first, and remember, everyone is different, you may not need every week. Yes , it's worth it.
I'm trying to work out the details to be able to go sometime soon. Do you know what kind of success rate there is for this treatment?
No, I really don't; but will ask my dentist Dr. William H. Funk Bowling Green, KY. Since April, my tremor in my right hand, is 80-90% less; neck & shoulder feels better, pain in right leg is gone, and I'm sleeping better.
Thanks, I would really appreciate it. I've tried so many different things that I'm getting weary. This really sounds promising, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up. I really do appreciate all your help and patience with me. Blessings.
I have TMD and when I went to the specialist for treatment, I paid co-pays for the office visits but had to pay in full for the appliance because our insurance did not have an orthotic rider. I do not have PD but my husband does. I had clicking and a constant headache that made me seek treatment.
I couldn't get the video to play. Any suggestions?
Here is the information I found about the Dentist in Virginia. I thought it might help someone that lived in that area: Brendan C. Stack, DDS, MS
8306-A Old Courthouse Rd.
Vienna, VA 22182
Tel: 703-821-1103
Fax: 703-821-8752
Email: tmjstack@tmjstack.com
Yes I have been looking for a UK dentist also. I went to the Leeds dental hospital on Monday 27th of Jan but they hadn't a clue what TMJ was. The dentist registrar said that she had no information on the connection between TMJ and Parkinson's and therefore she could not help me. Anyone know of a UK dentist who knows what we are talking about