I recently posted my latest presentation about Parkinson's and nutrition here youtube.com/watch?v=W7kT4Oo.... I call it a ketogenic lifestyle. I combine a ketogenic diet with MCT oil and sufficient exercise. (The presentation is in Dutch. Most here will not be Dutch speaking and can use subtitles in their own language).
Now I recently saw this video by Professor Stephen Cunnane youtube.com/watch?v=qFype3q.... The title is Keto Celebration 3 - Stephen Cunnane - Brain fuel metabolism in Parkinson's disease. He also points out the synergy between reducing carbohydrates, exercise and supplementation, but of course he substantiates this much better than I ever could. In this video, Cunnane shows that the problem with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease is that less glucose is absorbed by the brain cells. However, ketones are absorbed without problems and used as alternative energy. Moreover, it appears that glucose absorption also improves somewhat when using ketones.