At long last I have had a video made to briefly tell my Parkinson's story for those who are interested.
John Pepper's Video on his Walking! - Cure Parkinson's
John Pepper's Video on his Walking!

FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love it ! I try the same things I clean for a living and sometimes my PD challenges me but I never let it win
Brings back happy memories of our fast walks together in UK. Well done on the video John.
Great video, thanks John (Cape Town and the African sunset is awesome too)!
Wonderful story! Beautiful scenery! Thanks for all you do!
Thank you!😊
Wonderful and inspiring
Thank you. Inspiring
Thanks for sharing and your support for others.
Wow! Thank you, John. What a great idea for spreading your inspiring story. Thank you for all you do to help others.
This was so interesting. It was nice to see some of the beautiful scenery again in Capetown and to see exactly what fast walking looks like. I do believe that focusing on what we are doing is really helpful too which John does to make eating easier etc. Thank you for the video.
John, that was superb. I look forward to meeting you in Portland. Randy aka Tribselyov and King David impersonator
Thank you for sharing
John, wonderful video! My husband and many others are looking forward to hearing your story personally and watching and perhaps participating in some of your demonstrations when you speak in Morris Plain NJ August 25th. Anyone interested in attending, send me a personal message for details!
Thanks. That was very interesting. I have the same symptons, just earlier. I will try the walking. One question though. When I am cooking in the kitchen I find I am leaning forward into my clenched toes, which start to cramp up. I can't work out how to adjust my body to stop this happening. Did you have this problem?
Cape town is so beautiful - nice place to walk!
Hi Astra. What you are suffering from is Dystonia. Yes, I do have it as well. What you will find is that you can consciously uncurl your toes, then if you put your weight on the uncurled toes they will stay uncurled. But being human beings, we will concentrate on something else and forget the toes, which will become all curled up again. I find that it happens when I am driving. The right foot on the accelarator is curled up and uncomfortable. I just have to keep uncurling them and try to keep them straight. I have to be careful not to lose concentration on my driving. Life is a bitch!
Good luck!
If your toes curl while walking just walk backwards for a while. They will un clinch.

Hi Sirshakes. You can't be serious?
My apologies , I live in the world of early onset so I forget others can be using a walker. When I first had issues walking I was 46 so yes I would just walk backwards with my wife until my toes un clinched. I also practice my ministry of silly walks (Monty Python). I was using muscles that normally don't get used. Yes I looked like I have special needs but I am going to look like that someday so I might as well start now.

This works for me too.
Hi Astra. I did not get your reply before seeing it today. Sorry about that.
The clenched up toes are caused by dystonia. I found that I can straighten them out and put my weight on them to keep them straight and then they don't cramp.
Whenever I stand at the sink in my bathroom or the kitchen, my toes curl up. I do as I said and they stay straight, but then I forget and take my weight off and they curl up again.
It also happens when I am driving, but I cannot put more weight on my foot because it is on the accelerator. I just have to straighten them, when I think about it.
Thanks Everybody for your kind words of encouragment. I really do appreciate them.
Good luck!
Thanks John, great video. I appreciate you taking the time to post this.
walking briskly, can help to improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease
The walking sessions met the definition of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, with the average walking speed approximately 2.9 miles per hour ....45-minute sessions of moderate intensity walking, three times a week....
The researchers found that the brisk walking sessions resulted in the following improvements:
Motor function and mood: 15% improvement
Attention/response control: 14% improvement
Tiredness: 11% reduction
Aerobic fitness and gait speed: 7% increase.
In the motor functioning tests, there was an average improvement of 2.8 points among the participants, a score that is deemed to be a clinically important difference.
Study author Dr. Ergun Y. Uc, of the University of Iowa in Iowa City and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center of Iowa City, says that results suggest "walking may provide a safe and easily accessible way of improving the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and quality of life."
Brisk walking lowers chances of heart disease

Hi RoyProp. Thanks for this very useful information. At my best, as a 66 year old, I was walking at an average speed of 6 minutes 45 seconds a kilometer, which is roughly 11 minutes a mile or 5.5 miles per hour. I wonder what the improvements in all those functions would have been?
Hi John : Question : I can still do the fast walking (due to my character even faster as the most people). I used to be a runner.
Last in the fitness I could run at 12km/h (pace 5' per km) >>> for about 6 Minutes !!
I haven't been do that for months......two days later, I have to say, some more stiffness and muscle soreness. Should I keep running, are doing more slower, coordination walking exercises ?? (like a little parcours).
Because I've noticed that day, that running I can doing it almost automatically, "subconsciously".
mr. pepper how long were you on the sinemit I know I spelled it wrong and what strength
Liked your video,. Inspiring.
Thank you for sharing. Inspiring video.
I'm having problems with my gait, I tend take off running. I think they call it Fasting gait. I had Parkinson's going 13 years, the last couple been hard, I eat healthy and exercise daily. I'm doing Rytary right now the 25-145 every 3 hrs 3 capsules starting 6:00am to 6:00pm. my Dr. first wanted me take 15 doses = 450 a month. I was taking c/L 25-100 1and a half every two hrs. like 12 doses. Sense I started Rytary I get more dyskinesia, I told the dr. nurse that I'm getting to much Dopamine. she said you take more Rytary I told her 21755 mg is too much. the old generic C/L was1200mg. Thank you
If only we all had John’s type of PD! How easy it all seems!
You never disappoint! You never miss a turn to try to persuade other patients from believing that I have Pd. You ignore what I say, refuting your claims.
I don't have to guess what your motives are. Carry on, you really do try to stop other people from believing what has happened to me. They are the LOOSERS, not you or me!