I have been watching a series of interviews with neurosurgeons and scientists called "Awaken Your Brain" which deals primarily with Alzheimers Disease, but also has implications for Parkinson's Disease. The final interview aired today and featured Dr. Michael Fossel, M.D., PhD. He believes he can cure Alzheimers and other age related diseases like Parkinson's Disease within the next few years. He's Stanford educated and is a professor at Michigan State University...not a quack. Google him. Look him up on YouTube. Today's interview was the most encouraging thing I have ever read. I couldn't copy a link to today's interview, but here's a short YouTube presentation...
Dr. Michael Fossel - Telomeres: I have been... - Cure Parkinson's
Dr. Michael Fossel - Telomeres

I listened to this too. It was amazing
Very cool. But, until he figures out how to make an "injectable" that reverses cell aging, here's the way to keep them from aging prematurely. The following 3 videos should be watched one after the other, even though the 1st and last were created 4 years apart. youtu.be/sLTUump770A youtu.be/HrFNqHJja_I youtu.be/1qnsSPFf7-Y
Thanks for that, this is very interesting. I have noticed my husband often feels bad several days after eating salmon or minced red meat. What do fish oil tablets do then I wonder? Other studies say they slow down the progression of PD. I wonder whether white fish or sardines are any better? They are in the Mediterranean diet. I wonder if it is the fish oil or mercury in the salmon that is the problem as it seems to go against all previous advice.
Really good question! I think that fish oil is fine, as long as it's high-quality, filtered for mercury, etc. Krill oil is similar but might be safer. Taking fish oil that's not rancid or containing mercury should just increase Omega-3. There are Omega-3 supplements made from algae or flax seeds which are safer.
But the rest of the fish might be a problem. I know there are a lot of people who think that fish is great nutrition, but everything I've been learning lately says that the only good thing about fish is Omega-3, and you can get that from other sources.
It's true that people who eat fish are much more likely to get good Omega-3 levels, but if you are getting that in supplements, and if the rest of the fish causes other problems, why eat it?
In other words, maybe the Mediterranean diet succeeds because fish has Omega-3, not because of anything that's special about the rest of the fish? If so, you're better off taking an Omega-3 supplement and not eating fish, maybe?
I know this is a little "out there" but it seems to make sense to me. I'm doing a little more reading and video watching to find out what could be bad about fish other than potentially high levels of mercury.
Interesting... I just found this, which continues with the idea that PD is - for many PwP - largely an aging disease. That is, caused by telomere shortening due to stress, toxins, and inflammation ("inflam-aging"). Keeping that in mind, please watch this video and pay attention to what he says about leucine. See how much leucine fish has?
Personally, I'm cutting way down on foods that contain a lot of leucine and see what happens. It's no more crazy than other things PwP are trying. youtu.be/dwJASNFy9XQ?list=P...
Interesting. I need to get my head around vegan cooking. We have been half vegetarian since hubby’s diagnosis but might try and limit eggs and dairy too. Secretly and slowly as I think it will meet with resistance. We have teenagers too who are fighting the idea!
Wow, good find! It's all fitting together, isn't it? Do you know if there are any animal-based foods with low leucine? If not, I guess it's back to whole foods plant-based eating for me!
I read a book recently called "The Brain's Healing Ways" that talked about how the brain can repair itself. But if all the telomeres are short, the brain cells are old, so what's the point? We have to lengthen those suckers again!
Hi Jim, I followed the entire series but maddeningly couldn't get Dr Fossel's talk. For some reason I didn't get the link. Thank you for this.
That's so good of you to let me know, Jim. Thank you so much. Many blessings.
Thank you so much, Jim. I have just watched the episode. It's mind-boggling in its implications. Better still, the benefits should be available in a few short years. Dr Fossell said that the costs would be high but that in the long run the savings would be immense.
Would the authorities see the long-term advantages? One hopes so.