Hello, has anyone recovered from Parkinson's with the carnivore diet? If so, can you share what the process was?
Carnivore diet and Parkinsons: Hello, has... - Cure Parkinson's
Carnivore diet and Parkinsons

I'm trying it now. Not sure one can "recover" from this. I'm not on any meds and doing pretty well. I do need to get more disciplined with it, and here come the holidays 🤔😯🥺
There are 4 people trying it. bassofspades Edge999 Payparky 38yroldmale
ByrdaParadise87 makes it 5
to answer your question look up mimi interview with Anthony chaffee. Took her 2-3 years to kick it if she really had it. John coleman, william Curtis, collin potter, mike Lacey and bianca mohle are others you can find on the internet who claim to have had PD, did basically keto and reduced or removed symptoms.
Im on day 94 averaging 21g carbs a day so more ketovore than carnivore. Im heavily animal based but do occasionally take green non starchy veg. Im taking high fat dairy (cream, butter, cheese) but may drop it if i can. Had Parkinsons 2 years and take 1-2 sinemets a day. Can take none but its a less fun day. Had a big improvement in poo, sleep and feel better. Tremors still very much there without change. This matches matthew Philipp’s research so far. If you haven’t watched it google it because it really looks promising. Im open to trying this for a long time and praying it works…
Day 159 about the same but not worse. The closer i am to zero carbs the better i seem to be. Stress definitely makes symptoms worse. I think it’s more to do with keeping dopamine as stable as possible through no sugar or stress…
I read about another interesting person Ron Roesler who claims to have had PD, did a 60 day water fast and was cured…
I have been on carnivore now for about 2 months. I was on a zero sugar low inflammatory diet for 7 years and then 6 months of Keto previously. I’m prescribed controlled release C/L 25/100 4x/day. Since beginning carnivore I have noticed some changes. Neuropathy and restless leg are gone. My fingernails which were thin and constantly splitting are strong and smooth. I go up to 8 hours between medication instead of 5 or 6. I sleep better. My voice which was almost nonexistent without great effort is improving. I can speak without effort and be heard and have more inflection in my voice. I had the DBS surgery 2 years ago but these are improvements in the last two months.
Do you feel carnivore made a difference to zero sugar/carb? Do you include cheese/cream/butter?
My energy levels are higher and my digestive system is much more efficient and comfortable on the carnivore diet than on a zero sugar/low carb diet. Constipation is not the challenge it used to be before carnivore. Water is the only liquid I drink and if I need help I take a product, H2Go. It’s gentle and painless which is a great improvement for me. Before, nothing but huge doses of ascorbic acid powder would work. I may use this new product 2 or 3 times a month. I can tell the difference in my digestion between eating higher quality full fat cheese and others. By avoiding the lactose of milk and yogurt I avoid sluggishness and congestion and indigestion. I don’t drink coffee or use cream. Grass-fed butter is an important ingredient when I make carnivore bread with eggs and pork-rind panko but I usually use leftover bacon grease for cooking eggs each morning.
I think tomorrow will be day 365 for me on carnivore.it’s basically the ultimate elimination diet. It has helped me overcome many health issues but Parkinsons is not one of them. It didn’t re-grow my lost neurons. What it does is stop all or nearly all inflammation and autoimmune issues. It might slow or stop the progression of Parkinsons in some cases, depending on what the cause is. There’s many things that can cause pd, it is known. As for me, I like the diet. It’s hard to maintain an electrolyte balance, and that can be very dangerous. As per Dr Paul Saladino, a carnivore expert, I have introduced limited fruit and I find that it helps a great deal with the electrolytes and it also helps when tremors get out of control. I supplement with Potassium, Magnesium and Iodine and eat mostly beef, butter , salt, eggs and greek yogurt. For fruit, I go with gala apples, bananas, grapes and berries, and small oranges or tangerines. Welp, that about sums it up for me!
It seems we can all agree keto/carnivore makes you feel better which is worth something when you have Parkinson’s.
Always remember, different things work for different people in different cases of Parkinson's. Just because it didn't work for me doesn't mean it won't work for somebody else. Remember the story about the old lady who ate two spoonfuls of coconuts oil and was cured of Parkinson's? If only it was that easy!
I added coconut oil and ketone salts which i think help. Was reading alot about insulin resistance in the brain substantia niagra, a brain energy gap killing off dopamine cells which sounds interesting. Assume after 2 months you are about the same?
I also added coconut oil, which I put in my morning coffee along with some Irish butter. I guess I can't say im strictly carnivore anymore but I am keto. Since I have had electrolyte issues, I added either an apple or a banana a day. Other than that, it's all animal based. Im also experimenting with nicotine patches and it makes me feel less anxious. Also focusing on getting proper sleep. That's supposedly a big deal for Parkinson's.
Do you do cheese, and cream? I still take those for the fat but Ive been questioning them based on the dairy question and Parkinsons.
I think the Carnivore Diet is basically the Atkin's Diet. By limiting carbs the body goes into ketosis and must burn fats for energy. That appealed to me for reasons having nothing to do with PD. The problem is eating 90% bacon and fatty meats can lead to prostate disease. My dad and grandad each died of prostate cancer and the docs say it could be in my future. So do I trade PD for prostate cancer?
Carnivore is keto but it is also an anti-inflammatory elimination diet. The only thing about bacon that would cause cancer is any additives or preservatives. Im sorry for your losses, but they were probably eating other stuff besides bacon and fatty meat. In fact, carnivore advocates like Dr Shawn Baker and Dr Paul Saladino have stated that carnivore diet reduces prostate disease such as BPH as well as cancer. Good luck my friend!
From Sloan Kettering:
Several studies have been conducted on red meat’s effect on prostate cancer. A 2009 study found that the consumption of red and processed meats led to an increase in the development of prostate cancer. Red meat eaters had a 30% higher risk of developing advanced prostate cancer. A diet high in meat, particularly if it’s cooked well-done, may be associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer due to heterocyclic amines (HCAs), which are carcinogens found in cooked meat
I don't have the patience to go through 1 hour 46 mins to find out why he quit carnivore...
I watched enough to fall into several rabbit holes before giving up. One answer is that PD is related to type-11 diabetes. And can be treated with banana skins or green tea. Green Tea is GEGC, the fundamental chemical in this process. I got as far as trying to order GEGC on the internet.
It didn't work because I can't find my credit card.