What do you do when carbidopa-levodopa "off" times get inconsistent, more frequent, or it seems the C/L didn't work at all? I get extremely uncomfortable, uncoordinated and so incredibly weak.Thank you!
Off Times?: What do you do when carbidopa... - Cure Parkinson's
Off Times?

It would be helpful to know your medication regimen
I thought I did reply, must have unintentionally erased it instead.
I take 25/100 C/L 3 x day. One at 4:00 pm, one between 10:30 pm to 1:30 pm, and another one between 2:30 am to 4:30 am. I sleep poorly, have for years. Most nights I am heading toward bed about 8:30 pm and am asleep by around 9:00pm. For the last year or so I wake up every 2-4 hours and the uncomfortableness sets in so that's why I started taking a C/L when I wake up, thinking my dopamine level has dropped as it does during he day. The time variation is because I wake up in a range of times in the middle of the night, not the same time every night.
During the day I also take mucuna powder in what has become large doses. A naturopathic doctor got me taking that several years ago. For me it works the same as the C/L pill and I don't have side effects from it. I like the fact that it's a natural substance, a whole food so to speak, with nothing but brown organic ground mucuna bean, instead of a synthetic drug. I take several doses a day timed usually every 3 hours. So I will take one or the other, not both. Every not and then I will take a 4th C/L.
Lately, whether after C/L or mucuna, it is wearing off sooner and sometimes doesn't work at all. I'm rather drastically hit with severe weakness and uncomfortableness, plus my other PD symptoms that are for the most part undetctable when I am "on" from the C/L or mucuna. If you didn't know, you wouldn't know I have PD.
I read a study/trial done using mucuna powder and the conclusion was that it worked for people without much for side effects for most. The problem was the inconvenience and non-compliance expected of having to take multiple doses of the powder mixed in a small amount of water daily. I can attest to that, it is rather inconvenient.
You already said you did not care to use additional medications so I'll skip that. Immediate release C/L is usually prescribed by default. The extended release version lasts longer, although it has a lower peak value. For details see here: healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
There are other meds which can work alongside C/L, for instance Opicapone, to even things out.And DBS (direct brain stimulation) is helpful for some people.
Possibilities to discuss with your neurologist, I think. Good luck!
I figured there would be more meds suggested which I'd prefer not to take. I wonder if there isn't an underlying issue that's affecting my sleep that could be corrected, and that the shortage of sleep is stressing my body enough to cause the faster wear off?
No DBS for me! I know it has helped some people but I cannot imagine having that done.
What side effects do you get from the c/l that you do not get from the increasingly large doses of mucuna? Perhaps a 1/2 tab of c/l with the mucuna would make it more effective. Also, years ago I swore I would never consider DBS, but now, 15 years in, I am ready to do anything that might help alleviate some of my symptoms. Never say never.
Have you tried cinnamon? This is a low risk intervention and it tastes good. It takes 2 months for full effect. It has really helped myself and others:
Does Opicapone have any side effects?
I haven't noticed any. It's supposed to cause drowsiness, and I take it at bedtime.But perhaps some people will have side effects - that seems to be the case for most drugs.
Can you take it during the day ?that seems to be where I need little extra. thank you.
I take one dose at bedtime and that seems to serve for 24 hours. I haven't tried taking Opicapone during the day. I suppose you could experiment, if the nighttime dose doesn't seem to be working for you.
"Conclusions: The pharmacokinetic data suggest a certain degree of interaction at absorption phase that was minimized by separating both administrations for at least 1-hour. Opicapone was developed as an add-on to levodopa and, taking into consideration that Parkinson’s disease patients may well necessitate several daily doses of levodopa, a bedtime regimen for opicapone was proposed to better allow the physician to individually tailor the levodopa daily regimen without any concern of a potential absorption interaction."
Yes, sleep can be a problem for me too.You can search on this forum and elsewhere.
Suggestions I've come across include good sleep hygiene, exercise, limiting daytime naps, herbal tea, no coffee after 6pm, magnesium supplements, sour cherries and melatonin.
I guess different things help different people.
Hi 00Mark,
Thank you for your suggestions, I’ve tried some of those and I had forgotten about cherries, I have some dried ones without sugar, I think I’ll try having a few before bed.
I sleep poorly as well. In the pre-dawn hours I abide in Divine Love Chi meditation. This is a great time to meditate and goes a long way to make up for lost sleep. Qigong reduced my need for medication. My Qigong experience here: healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
You probably know this, but food containing protein can interfere with levodopa absorption, as can Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the gut .
Thank you, I do know that but it’s been challenging to figure out for me. Large amounts of protein can do it, and I’m a small person so I don’t eat large portions anyway but large (normal meal sized) portions of anything will affect the C/L, whether it’s a smoothie, a bowl of oatmeal, a bigger meal sized salad, etc. The same meal another time might have no effect, it’s frustrating trying to find a pattern. I can say this much, if I don’t eat anything at all I don’t have a problem. But I have to eat eventually! Then I can feel ravenous and eat too much!
What is Helicobactecr pylori?