Hi Everyone!
Recently I've had frustrating issues with eating a meal followed by "off" times of a few hours. I know about keeping proteins away from sinemet as they compete for the same receptors in the gut. I can time my dose of sinemet (a generic, 25/100, 3 x day) an hour before eating a meal, feeling just fine. Then like clockwork, about a half an hour later my symptoms return. Mainly extreme weakness, fatigue and un-coordination, it's very uncomfortable. I'm pretty worthless when this happens and can't really do anything. What I do do requires extreme concentration and effort. Then for some reason, it magically resolves itself by 4-5 in the afternoon and then I feel fine again. It doesn't seem to matter what I've eaten, whether protein, fat or carbs, it just happens after eating.
I have to eat! And I have to take my medication! I also take a pure, clean, organic mucuna powder several times a day, have for years. This happens with either the Rx or the mucuna.
I don't know what to do? Anyone else have this issue and know a way around it?
Thank you!