We hear of the harm heavy metals can do in the body, particularly mercury from old amalgam fillings. Has anyone had fillings removed by a specialist or attempted to detox from heavy metals generally and have they felt better for doing it?
Heavy metal detox: We hear of the harm... - Cure Parkinson's
Heavy metal detox

My mouth is full of them. I considered having them replaced, but I'm told that it's often more of a problem having them removed due to the drilling process releasing mercury to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
I had mine removed and felt as if it was done poorly.
I haven’t got pd.
I had a large filling replaced a few years ago and half way through the dentist said it was too big to use a white filling and proceeded to replace it with a massive chunk of amalgam. I had it about a year. I started feeling funny and had my mercury levels tested and they were way at the top of the scale. I went to a different dentist and had that tooth removed and over several sessions had all my other amalgams replaced. After 2 years my mercury levels dropped right back to the bottom of the scale.
I think it was well worth it.
I had all my filling replaced prior to my PD diagnoses. I wouldn't recommend it. I think the process was more damaging than leaving them be IMO
I used to work for a dentist and he did gold filling restorations. He replaced all of my amalgam fillings with gold fillings. I had it done in my early 20s. I am very happy I did it! I think the more toxins you can get out of your body the better.
I had several amalgam fillings replaced a few years ago. I guess it was a good thing. My smile is prettier, but I still have pd.
I had mine removed. It has to be done by someone trained in proper removal technique, to contain the mercury that's released. Look up IAOMT, you can search there for a trained dentist. That said, i didn't notice a difference.
I think there are easier ways to reduce some of the toxins of modern living, particularly as most people haven’t reported much if any difference for what is a considerably big, highly specialised and probably very expensive job! Thanks for your reply
Amalgam filings eventually need to be removed or replaced with crowns I believe. Maybe that is the time to make changes, or maybe it's best to do so with someone who specializes in such removals. I still have one in my mouth, and was going to have it done in Costa Rica a few years back, and when they described the procedure and how much precautions were needed, I decided to wait. Since then I have PD ... and if I knew the best way to test my heavy metals, I would. Any suggestions? I did a urine test for other toxins and turned out I had lots of arsenic in my system!
Hello Dap1948,
I had my mercury fillings removed 15 years before PD. It was done by a Canadian dentist while I was living in Vietnam. He took all precautions to avoid mercury spilling into my system. I felt immediately better , to give you an idea I felt like I had removed a tight headband from my head that was there causing me slight headache that I was not aware of .
When I was diagnosed with PD the doctor prescribed a urine test to check for heavy metals in my body. We found a few different ones including mercury. I did chelation therapy. The chelation therapy was intravenous and was terrible as the metals that are in your body in the bones or muscles or different tissues get released in the blood stream and that made me feel terrible for a few days. The intravenous chelation was done several times, I think maybe 7 or 8 intravenous until doctor said stop .
Yes I felt better afterwards. I would do it again.
Before being diagnosed in 2018 my PD was progressing quickly. When I was diagnosed the Neurologist said there were no meds that would help me and my only option was DBS. I began doing my own research and decided to have amalgam fillings removed. Within a week or two of having them removed my symptoms began improving - My arms began to swing again when I walked, my handwriting returned to normal size and best of all my brain fog cleared. My disease has not progressed since. I still have head and minor hand tremors and muscle stiffness that is controlled by taurine. I also take turmeric and probiotics. I have not had heavy metal testing done and I have not done heavy metal cleanse but probably should.
Had my Mercury fillings removed 15-20 years ago, as a preventative measure. Saw no apparent change as I felt fine going in. The dentist had specialized equipment to mitigate spread of contaminants. No regrets.