Because a lot of supplements are lab-made, there may be heavy metals, like mercury, and minerals like arsenic, introduced into your system,
Are daily supplements good for health? - Cure Parkinson's
Are daily supplements good for health?

Hi iqbaliqbal! Are you still finding homeopathic remedies helpful? It seemed like you were seeing some good results! Thanks! Connie
Yes , it has definitely helped in alleviating anxiety and depression but not so effective for tremors
how about B1 hcl? Any inputs please.
Makes me pause, however the article is not chock full of information. Even fillers in prescription medicines contain ingredients somewhat harmful to our bodies. For instance, my hubby was on a generic rx from Walmart and we switched to save $ and for convenience and started with the home delivery from our insurance. Both generics but with different fillers as the med made from different manufacturers. Results, within a few days on the newer rx med he started falling very frequently. Spoke to the insurance company and Walmart pharmacy and they said yes fillers can cause issues. Spoke to doctors as well. Switched back to the generic rx from Walmart and the falling stopped.